giovedì 22 aprile 2010

Rothschild World Domination Plan Via Private Nuclear Weapons

When nuclear power is eliminated from the hands of all nationalist
governments, the Rothschilds will control their own as a monopoly and their secret private
space-based delivery system as well. Say hello to your new god.
By Dick Eastman

Obama's Plan for Elimination of Nation-Controlled Nuclear Power is a revival of the "Baruch Plan" for a world government monopoly of nuclear weapons, ensuring that no individual nation could control atomic power either for defense or peaceful uses. Under the Baruch Plan (a plan worked out with Rothschild agent and infiltrated communist agent Secretary of State Dean Acheson and David Lilienthal, the Lazard Freres head of the US Atomic Energy Commission, who invented the term "multinational corporation" and who later founded, with money from Lazard Freres, the international engineering venture company, Development and Resources Corporation, funded by governments and following the model Lilienthal developed from experience gained heading the Tennessee Valley Authority, the US's first great socialist development project. The Development and Resources Corporation functioned much like Halliburton, Schlumberger and Tesco. Although originally funded by Lazard Freres, the company was later bought by the oldest son of Nelson Rockefeller, Rodman Rockefeller, president of the International Basic Economy Corporation (a pioneer and leader in commercial genetics and global agribusiness ­ Rodman also was the American co-chair of the Mexico-United States Business Committee which produced the North American Free Trade Agreement -- but Development and Resources Corporation foundered when the Shah of Iran was overthrown by a movement of Moslem nationalists abrogated all contracts with the company.

Baruch invented the term Cold War, just as his owned minion Winston Churchill invented the term "Iron Curtain." Lilienthal, for a time, headed that part of the Military Industrial Complex that kept the US in atomic weapons, in an arms race bankrolled with borrowings from Lazard Freres and other Rothschild-allied investment banks.

As I was saying, the Obama Plan is simply the latest attempt at implementing a version of the Baruch Plan for a monopoly of atomic power by international power unanswerable to any nation.

Baruch, Acheson and Lilenthal proposed an International Atomic Development Authority with complete power over atomic development all over the world and complete power to use atomic power to prevent atomic power. The movie The Day the Earth Stood Still was based on a story that was propaganda for the Baruch Plan, with the UN AEC taking the part of all-powerful and indestructible Gort the robot ­ the message laid out by Clatu the representative of the "united planets" being: "follow us and live in peace or pursue your present course and face obliteration." When nations no longer have control of nuclear power only Zionist Internationalism (the interests now running the United States against the interests of the American people) will have them and peace and cheap electricity will not be their primary function.

Obama's plan to eliminate all nuclear power from countries not under total Rothschild control and then to phase it away from governments completely so that only weapons secretly in the hands of the Money Power's own secret private (mercenary power above the armed forces of national powers) will exist to rule the earth brooking no interference from any organization of resistance.

When nuclear power is eliminated from the hands of all nationalist governments -- Iran is one of the last -- the Rothschild interests will have a monopoly of true nuclear super-power status -- a term that today is absurdly applied to the United States which no less a Rothschild asset than is Israel, a nation the Rothschilds' have won in a financial crap game using loaded dice. those of the "approved" Zionist internationalist arsenals and their secret private space-based capability as well.

If you doubt this than you have failed to thing long enough on the power of secret multi-trillionaires who control a monopoly of credit in the world as well as a network of secret societies that have worked to place their members in every geopolitical strategic point throughout the world ­ including China, Russia and India. Not only does the Jewish money power control secret stockpiles of nuclear weapons (in addition to the secret arsenal of Israel -- likely known only to Zionist Jews and any others whose absolutel loyal to the Money Power dynasties has been firmly established.

I should mention also here my conclusion that Baruch Plan nuclear domination of the species will also be augmented by already existing systems of weaponized weather modification and the ability to destroy and coercively control through what may be called weaponized private international credit monopoly.

The Obama plan is no more for world peace and the peaceful development of cheap energy for mankind that was the Baruch Plan.

Once the threat of even the potential of non-Jewish-controlled atomic weapons that could threaten Jerusalem and Jewish global supremacy is eliminated, you will see a ruthless arrogance against all critics of Jews that will make all previous genocides of history (both real and imagined) pale in comparison.

Obama is working for the Rothschilds and his plan for eliminating atomic weapons from the hands of representative governments (like the US wishes it still was) and national governments (like Iran) will render Obama's masters the Lords of the Earth (which they pretty much are already.) With this final power over others, Zionism will become not so much a global nobility as a global divinity with the power of Gods over men ­ the bankers having stolen from general mankind the gift of Prometheus so they can lord over them with impunity.

I wish Iran luck -- but they are in big trouble because they mistakenly believed that Putin was independent and would back them up. The truth is Iran has no friends it can count on, even as Iran may be one of the few nations remaining that the American people, if they understood their true best interests, could call their friend.

The Obama's Baruch Plan is probably going to succeed -- just like Obama's (formerly Hillary Clinton's) Health Care Plan.

I've looked at the leaders you keep throwing up for me to get behind -- Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Ralph Nader, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura...and on that basis I can tell you with confidence -- you're getting the new Baruch Plan and you have earned it.


Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO

Most Americans scoff at the mention of conspiracy but their country was created by Freemasonry and they don't have a clue. Freemasons drafted the Constitution and signed the Declaration of Independence. The Indians who dumped the tea in the harbor were Masons. So was Paul Revere and his minutemen, George Washington and most of his generals. The Marquis de Lafayette was excluded until he joined the Masons. At least 20 of the 42 US Presidents were "Brothers."

Freemasonry is the Church of Lucifer masquerading as a fraternal mystical order. It fronts for Illuminati (Masonic & Cabalist Jewish) central bankers who started the US as a vehicle to advance their New World Order.

In the words of Masonic elder Manley P. Hall, "we must also perfect the plan of the ages, setting up here the machinery for a world brotherhood of nations and races." ("The Secret Destiny of America," 1944.)

The Freemasons offered American ideals -- free speech, equal opportunity and no taxation without representation -- which still are valid. But they were enticements designed to win power. As you might have noticed, these promises were not intended to be kept.

Most historians won't tell you this. In Upton Sinclair's words: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

But there was one historian who did reveal the truth. Bernard Fay (1893-1978) was a Harvard educated Frenchman. He is considered an "anti-Mason" because his 1935 book, "Revolution and Freemasonry: 1680-1800" is one of the very few to reveal the extent of Masonic participation in the US and French Revolutions.

He had access to Masonic archives in the US and Europe. His book is actually a sympathetic portrayal of Freemasonry with no references to its occult nature. However, as a Vichy Frenchman, he subsequently helped the Nazis find Masons during World War Two. He was imprisoned after the war but pardoned in 1952 by Charles De Gaulle.


Fay explains that in the 1770's, the US consisted of 13 isolated colonies with different governments, religious affiliations, customs, races, social and political structures. A letter took three weeks to get from Georgia to Massachusetts. There were intense rivalries and longstanding antagonisms.

"Masonry alone undertook to lay the foundation for national unity in America because [as a secret society] it could spread throughout the colonies and work steadily and silently. It created in a limited but very prominent class of people a feeling of American unity without which... there would have been no United States." (p. 230)

"In 1760 there was no town, big or small, where where Masonry had not spun its web. Everywhere it was preaching fraternity and unity." (230)

Benjamin Franklin, who was the Grand Master of a French lodge, raised millions of francs crucial to financing George Washington's army. He was the first to submit a concrete plan for military collaboration and political federal to a Congress representing all colonies. He established a chain of Masonic newspapers in all of the colonies. You can imagine where he found the money.

Fay says George Washington and his ragtag army kept the spirit of independence alive. He organized many military lodges and personally participated in their activities. On Dec. 27,1778 he led a parade after Philadelphia was recaptured:

"His sword at his side, in full Masonic attire, and adorned with all the jewels and insignia of the Brotherhood, Washington marched at the head of a solemn procession of 300 brethren through the streets of Philadelphia to Christ Church, where a Masonic Divine Service was held. This was the greatest Masonic parade that had ever been seen in the New World." (246)

"All the staff officers Washington trusted were Masons, and all the leading generals of the army were Masons: Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, James Madison, Gen. Greene, Gen. Lee, Gen. Sullivan, Lord Stirling, the two Putnams, Gen. Steuben, Montgomery, Jackson, Gist, Henry Knox and Ethan Allen were Masons. They all gathered around their Master Mason Washington and they all met at the 'Temple of Virtue', 'a rude structure forming an oblong square forty by sixty feet, one story in height, a single entrance which was flanked by two pillars'.

"The monument had been built by order of the Commander in Chief as an Assembly Hall for the meetings of the field lodges. The atmosphere which surrounded Washington was Masonic and it may be said that the framework of his mind was Masonic." (p. 250)

Fay points to a "curious" degree of coordination between Masons in the US and British armies:

"It seems even likely that the unforgettable and mysterious laxness of certain English military campaigns in America, particularly those of the Howe brothers, was deliberate and due to the Masonic desire of the English general to reach a peaceful settlement..." (251)


In this context, it might be wise to recall the confession of General Cornwallis when he surrendered to General Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 17, 1781.)

"Jonathan Williams recorded in his "Legions of Satan," (1781,) that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown."

The Crown is the Illuminati. Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:

"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."

In a 1956 speech, Senator Joseph McCarthy reflected on these words:

"Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic religion."


We can't see the Judeo Masonic conspiracy because we are not accustomed to thinking in terms of hundreds of years. But the Illuminati bankers have been plotting the "new order of the ages" (featured on the US dollar along with the uncapped Masonic pyramid) for thousands of years.

We may have the pleasure and pain of witnessing their design come to fruition. As we do, it is important to remember that Americans, in fact all peoples, have allowed themselves to be duped. In the words of a speaker at a secret B'nai Brith meeting in Paris in 1936:

"Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot should never know that these associations are of our creation and that they serve our purpose...

"One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the world."


Transhumanism, PsyWar and B.E.P.’s “Imma Be”

The article named “The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music” briefly explored the transhumanist theme of the Black Eyed Peas’ video “Imma Be/Rock that Body”. Vigilant Citizen collaborator LVB expands on this subject and describes the Psychological Warfare techniques used in this video.

The Black Eyed Peas “Imma Be / Rock that Body” video is a masterpiece of high tech computer-generated imagery and state of the art digital music production. It is also one of the most blatant examples of Psychological Warfare and deception that I have ever seen in modern mass media. This article will discuss

1) What Transhumanism actually is.

2) The massive use of Psychological Warfare techniques in this video and all forms of mass media.

3) Analysis of the video, itself – to show you how these psychological concepts, the occult and Transhumanist symbolism and the deceptive storyline are integrated in this video to promote the dangerous agenda of the cult known as Transhumanism.

The Transhumanist Agenda

Transhumanism is the name of a movement that claims to support the use of all forms of technology to improve human beings. It is far more than just a bunch of harmless and misguided techie nerds, dreaming of sci-fi movies and making robots.

It is a highly organized and well financed movement that is extremely focused on subverting and replacing every aspect of what we are as human beings – including our physical biology, the individuality of our minds and purposes of our lives – and the replacement of all existing religious and spiritual beliefs with a new religion of their own – which is actually not new at all.

For now, let’s just start at the start.

The Elitist Creators of Transhumanism and Eugenics

“The term ‘Transhumanism‘ was coined by biologist Julian Huxley in 1957, who defined it as “man remaining man, but trans­cending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.”

Julian Huxley was the brother of Aldous Huxley, who you may know was the author of the very famous book, “Brave New World“, which is a vision of the future that most people view as “The New World Order” (along with the book “1984“, by George Orwell) – a depressing future police-state world in which a one world government uses technology, such as surveillance cameras, psychological warfare (propaganda) and brutal military/police forces to control everyone and everything in this dystopian, fictional world.

The founders of Transhumanism, were highly educated and wealthy individuals of primarily British and European descent. These individuals were what we would call people of the elite, ruling class of society, and their views were absolutely elitist, if not outright totalitarian and fascist in nature.


This Nazi propaganda poster is encouraging public support for its Eugenics program. The poster says that the mentally-challenged man in the picture is costing German citizens too much money, and should be put to death for his own good – and to keep costs down.

One of the key concepts of old school Transhumanism was the elitist pseudoscience of Eugenics, or “racial hygiene“, which is a concept that still exists today in the modern, shiny, high-tech version of what is adoringly called Transhumanism, Human+, or H+, by its cult followers.

Eugenics is the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the species. In a historical and broader sense, Eugenics can also be a study of “improving human genetic qualities”. Advocates of Eugenics sought to counter what they regarded as dysgenic dynamics within the human gene pool. Specifically, in regard to the continuation of congenital disorders and factors impacting overall societal intelligence relating to the heritability of IQ.

Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century, but has largely fallen into disrepute after having become associated with Nazi Germany. Since the postwar period, both the public and the scientific communities have associated Eugenics with Nazi abuses, such as enforced racial hygiene, human experimentation, and the extermination of “undesirable” population groups.

However, developments in genetic, genomic, and reproductive technologies at the end of the 20th century have raised many new questions and concerns about what exactly constitutes the meaning of Eugenics and what its ethical and moral status is in the modern era.”

So, because the Nazi atrocities became so widely known, the ideas of Eugenics went underground for awhile. But the original ideas and goals of “improving the species” and “improving human genetic qualities” are still front and center, albeit in a more subtle and glamorous package now. They try to avoid discussing those embarrassing ideas, like how to keep the undesirable races from breeding so much.

The modern mutation of Transhumanism claims to only support “voluntary eugenics“, which sounds much more benevolent than mandatory sterilization and euthanasia of undesirable humans, doesn’t it? But, if you have any sense at all, you will probably realize that this ethnic cleansing of the gene pool (“improving the species” and “improving human genetic qualities”) simply cannot and will not ever happen if it is voluntary.

We should all understand that ideas such as “voluntary eugenics” will not be voluntary anymore, if and when the people who believe in these radical ideas get political and financial power. In fact, they already do have substantial wealth and power, and are working very hard to impose this Transhumanist agenda on our world – whether we like it or not.

The Principles and Concepts of Transhumanism

Transhumanists believe they are working toward a new and improved existence, leaving everything we have known in the dust bin of history, welcoming a new “Golden Age” of superbeings. They want to become an entirely new species, transcending what we are as humans, using radically advanced technology to achieve their goals. Let’s look at just a few of the primary concepts and goals of Transhumanism.

The Hive Mind

One of the primary concepts of the Transhumanist agenda is “The Hive Mind”.

Hive Mind : A type of collective consciousness where individuality is stifled; a state of conformity; also written hivemind”.

“A group of people who give the false impression of being a hivemind (1), eg. by mindlessly following orders.”

One of the early Transhumanist elites, along with Julian Huxley, was Sir Charles Galton Darwin, the grandson of Charles Darwin, who founded the theory of evolution.

So, anyway, here is one of Charles Galton Darwin’s quotes relating to the Hive Mind:

“There might be a drug, which, without other harmful effects, removed the urgency of sexual desire, and so, reproduced in humanity the status of workers in a beehive.”

As I said previously, the founders of Transhumanism had elitist views about what humanity should be. This Human Beehive concept has been envisioned by the ruling elite class throughout history as the ideal society. The ultimate slave race, scientifically designed to conform, obey and serve the needs of the elite – worker bees who do not question or rebel.

Transhumanists envision this Hive Mind as being possible when all people across the world can link their minds together using technology, creating a symbiotic existence through the new superintelligence of this collective Hive Mind. Forget about the needs of the individual – it’s all about the Hive. They refer to this collective, superintelligence as the Singularity.

Uploading Your Mind

MURG” is the acronym that Transhumanists use to refer to the “Mind Upload Research Group”.

The Hive Mind, or Singularity, that they are working toward, will occur, they believe, when technology exists that will allow humans to “upload their minds” to an artificial memory device, a sort of global hard drive, so that the combined intelligence of all our minds will create this new superintelligence that is the Singularity, or Hive Mind.

The Cult of Transhumanism

“Instead of meekly worshiping fictional gods, or blindly dismissing the ideals they represent, we should seek to become godlike ourselves. The body is weak, but the mind can be forever. People may die, but they can be preserved and resurrected. This world may in many ways resemble hell, but we can create heaven on earth. The universe may be a place of chaos and entropy, but we can fill it with order and intelligence. Guided by reason and empowered by technology, we can bend reality to our will, and make the impossible possible.”

Transhumanist ideas of becoming gods and having eternal life through technology certainly display an extreme level of vanity. Not just the simple human vanity of wearing nice clothes and putting on makeup to look good – but to BE gods – therefore, rejecting and replacing God, entirely. This is the Luciferian doctrine.

Pragmatic Morality

The Transhumanist idea that they call Pragmatic Morality, is simply a recycled and renamed version of the oldest deception in the world – that there is no good or evil.

Here is how this concept applies to the beliefs of the cult of Transhumanism:

“Ethics and morals must serve, or at least not stand in the way of, boundless self-actualization. They should be tools and guidelines for successful living, not instruments of senseless repression. Like the flesh, traditional morality is something to be overcome. There is no ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’; just efficiency and inefficiency; intelligence and stupidity; winners and losers. There is only rational self-interest, and those too timid and ignorant to pursue it. This simple yet profound realization forms the bedrock of an empowered worldview, and is a key step towards achieving enlightenment and transcendence.”

The Patron Saint of Transhumanism

“Lucifer’ is the Latin term originally used by the Romans to refer to the planet Venus when that planet was west of the sun and hence rose before the sun in the morning, thereby being the morning star.”

“According to Extropian philosopher Max More, “Lucifer is the embodiment of reason, of intelligence, of critical thought. He stands against the dogma of God and all other dogmas. He stands for the exploration of new ideas and new perspectives in the pursuit of truth.” He is also the archetypal iconoclast, rebel, and adversary (the word ‘Satan’ is from a Hebrew word, ‘Sathane’, meaning adversary or culminiator; in original Jewish usage [see the book of Job], Satan is the adversary, not of God, but of mankind; i.e., the angel charged by God with the task of proving that mankind is an unworthy creation). In the transtopian context, Lucifer represents ambition, rebellion, rational enlightenment, and the dark side of Transhumanism.”

Selling Transhumanism to the Masses using Psychological Warfare

What exactly is “Psychological Warfare“?

Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR) is defined by the U.S. Department of Defense as:

“The planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior…of groups in such a way as to support the…objectives.”

Various techniques are used, by any set of groups, and aimed to influence a target audience’s value systems, belief systems, emotions, motives, reasoning, or behavior.”

This is often referred to as “winning hearts and minds“, or similarly, “Capture their minds and their hearts and souls will follow.”


Metacommunication is a natural human communication process, which is as simple as saying, “I love you”, while you are smiling – communication on two levels. Throw in a hug and there are three levels of communicating this positive message.

All communication consists of (at least) two levels. First, there is the “content level” of what is being said, literally. Second, there is the level that Gregory Bateson calls metacommunication, which is the underlying message or tone of the communication, which can be as simple as a facial expression. We often recognize this as being the “tone” of someone’s voice, or how something is being said. So, you have what is being said, and how it is being said. The tone is actually the “command” portion of communication, because it is designed to instruct or position the receiver (or victim) of the communication to interpret the message in a certain way.

Bateson’s communications theory can help reveal the interaction operating behind the message. Every communication, he claims, has both a report [the actual message] and a command aspect [tone]. While the report conveys information about a state of affairs, the command positions the receiver to adopt a particular attitude towards the report and (leads them to) respond in a certain way. The command element of the message is a metacommunication about the context of the message – the nature of the relationship in which the information is exchanged.

Falsified Metacommunication – Mixed Signals and Deception

The point where this becomes falsified metacommunication in mass media is when they include a primary false message in an advertisement or music video, which is designed not only to sell the product, but also to influence the viewer’s attitudes and beliefs.

Daniel Lerner, who was part of the OSS (the predecessor of the CIA), called this the “Black Level” of Psychological Warfare, because it includes:

Commissions of falsification (lies) intended to deceive the enemy“.

There are many layers of communication in movies, videos, advertising and news media that we usually don’t even realize on a conscious level, and that is what this part of the article and the BEP video are all about.

The term, falsified metacommunication, was coined by anthropologist Richard Herskowitz. It can be understood, in part, using the simple example of a con-man:

He shakes your hand, smiles at you and tells you nice things…as he steals your money.

It is a strategy of deliberately distracting you from his real purpose or goal by using friendly, charming deception. It is saying one thing, as a way of distracting the victim with deception to make them feel comfortable with the situation, in order to do another thing – to achieve the real goal, which is stealing your money.

For example, say there is a magazine ad with a very beautiful female model, but off to the side you can see the makeup artist standing there putting makeup on another model, who looks like she just woke up. They are letting you in on the joke, the artificial nature and deceptive elements of the ad. This makes you realize that you get it, you think that you understand the illusion, and that makes you feel clever, like an insider, and this feeling gives you a sense of reward and ego boost because you feel smart and cool.

This process has the typical effect of getting people to relax and let their guard down a little bit, which leaves them more open to the actual intent of what the ad is trying to do – to sell you some crap that you probably don’t need – and ideas that you may not agree with. This brings us to another tool of manipulation and control in communication, known as a double bind.

Double Binds

A double bind is a dilemma in communication in which an individual (or group) receives two or more conflicting messages, with one message negating the other. This creates a situation in which a successful response to one message results in a failed response to the other, so that the person will be automatically wrong regardless of their response. The nature of a double bind is that the person cannot confront the inherent dilemma, and therefore can neither comment on the conflict, nor resolve it, nor opt out of the situation.

Falsified metacommunication is similar to this in many ways.

Just understand that this is all about communicating ideas at multiple levels; some true information and some false information, and other levels showing you that they are showing you something, in order to distract you from the real message or purpose, and also to deny what the real purpose of the communication is. It sounds really confusing and schizophrenic, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. More from Richard Herskowitz:

“This schizophrenic system [double binds and falsified metacommunication as they are used in mass media], therefore, bares its exploitative nature to its victims in a manner that evokes their participation in their own oppression. As Anthony Wilden argues: “It is a necessary function of pathological communication to deny its own pathology while admitting and using it at other levels. Thus, since no system [including the human mind] can actually ignore feedback relationships, our culture simply converts them into POWER relationships.

The manner in which the spectator’s recognition of mass media deception is channeled into participation in that deception (is) a false democratization of an exploitative relationship, and is used to position the viewer in a certain way, as a means of controlling how they will receive the message.”

Imma Be Duplicity

Duplicity is defined as “contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially, the concealment of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or actions”. It is saying one thing and doing (or meaning) another…and doing it intentionally, in order to deceive. So, with this idea of duplicity in mind, let’s look at what the different layers of communication in this BEP video are telling us.

One layer involves giving the viewer (victim) a false message that is friendly or they will agree with, to make them feel comfortable. In this video, the false and deceptive message is that they believe it is wrong to replace people with machines and “we’re not robots”. This is established at the beginning, to give the viewer a friendly message that they can feel comfortable about and agree with. Like the con-man, they charm you to disarm you.

But, then you also have Will.I.Am saying how cool it is that the artificial intelligence vocal machine (technology) is going to replace humans, and they won’t have to do the singing anymore. Contradictory messages used to conceal their true intentions = duplicity.

Another layer involves giving the viewer some clues or obvious messages to show them that the video‘s story is just a story – by calling attention to itself at the beginning and end of this video and showing you the (false) real life events of the BEPs having their meeting, Fergie’s accident and when they rush to help her at the end of the video.

This method of using the story to call attention to itself is designed to give the victim an added comfort level (remember the first layer above) and a sense of reward or ego boost by giving the victim the illusion that they have figured it out and are “in on the joke”, so that they feel good and smart because they’ve figured it out, which leads them to relax and let their guard down. This is a secondary layer of charming and disarming you.

But, the most important layer of communication in this video is the story itself, which is shown (falsely) to be “only a dream or fantasy”, which implies that it is not the real message or purpose of the communication. The opposite is true.

This “dream sequence” shows you very clearly with its visual imagery and ideas what the true purpose and message of this story really is. Here is what you are being shown in the “dream”:

Humans are depicted as stuttering, broken, helpless machines that are inferior in every way to the machines. In contrast, the machines are depicted as benevolent and good, and they are shown helping humans to become more perfect beings…by force, shooting them with guns that cure their broken condition. This is a good example of cognitive dissonance, which is another powerful aspect of psychological warfare in mass media.

Cognition is the scientific term for “the process of thought”.

Dissonance is a state of disagreement or conflict between two or more things – things that don’t fit together. In music, dissonance is expressed as being “a mingling of discordant notes, a clashing or unresolved musical interval or chord”. The simplest explanation of this in music is that dissonance sounds bizarre and disturbing to the ear. Notes that don’t sound good together.

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, or by justifying or rationalizing them. In 1957, Leon Festinger published his theory of cognitive dissonance, which has changed the way psychologists look at decision-making and behavior. It is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.

Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person perceives a logical inconsistency in his beliefs, when one idea implies the opposite of another. The dissonance might be experienced as guilt, anger, frustration, or embarrassment.”

The important thing about cognitive dissonance in mass media is that when a person is confronted with such contradictory ideas, it creates a conflict or disturbance that is usually not even noticed on a conscious level. Instead, it is internalized and processed by your subconscious mind, your autopilot system, in the same way that your autonomic nervous system controls your breathing, heart rate and blinking your eyes without you ever thinking about it consciously.

Exposure and Desensitization

The first time you watch the movie, “Saw”, you might be freaked out by the gruesome murders and torture. But if you watch it another hundred times, I can guarantee that it won’t bother you very much anymore. Over time, when we are exposed to images of graphic violence, sexuality or ideas utilizing combinations of such images (cognitive dissonance) we slowly become desensitized to these ideas, and we are conditioned to stop reacting to them as strongly.

This can be understood in the same way that a person may get a painful sunburn the first time that they are out in the sun too long – overexposure – too much of what you are not conditioned to accept, all at once. But, after being out in the sun all summer long, the skin has become desensitized, or conditioned, to accept the UV radiation, by receiving smaller doses of it, consistently, over a longer period of time. Therefore, the person doesn’t experience the strong reaction (sunburn) that they did the first time.

Of course, this example is one where there is a good aspect to the desensitization – not getting a painful sunburn every day is a good thing. In the same way, allergy shots can help people to avoid severe allergic reactions, desensitizing them by giving them small doses of what is bad for them, over a longer period of time. Not having severe allergy/asthma attacks is a good thing, too.

But, in the case of mass media and the desensitization of our minds, there is nothing good or beneficial about the way that we are being systematically desensitized to accept a variety of destructive and dangerous ideas. Transhumanist ideas are one example of this – humans becoming more like robots, and robots becoming more like humans.

The End of the Beginning

So, the primary intended message of this video is the Transhumanist idea that humans are not good enough the way we are naturally, and we need to be altered with technological devices and reprogrammed with radically different ideas in order to be better, even if this must be done to us against our will. This idea is dangerously flawed and it is a complete dehumanization of our species, as well as being a very troublesome vision for the future of humanity.

I hope this introduction to Psychological Warfare techniques helps you to better understand the deceptive methods that are used in mass media to persuade us and modify our attitudes, and that it will help you to see the true purpose and meanings in ads, movies and videos that you see in the future. If you’re still reading, you’re a real trooper, and I salute you!!

So, now we’ve covered what Transhumanism is, Psychological Warfare techniques that are used in mass media – false metacommunication, double binds, duplicity, cognitive dissonance, exposure and desensitization – and how they are used as a means of deception in mass media. The hard part is over.

Imma Be / Rock that Body Video Analysis

The Imma Be / Rock that Body video begins with all of the BEPs sitting in an office, talking and working on ideas. The main guy, Will.I.Am, is sitting at his computer looking at images of robots. You can also see the speaker cone sound cannon laying on the table, which foreshadows the events in the “fantasy” part of the story to come – showing you that this object from the “fantasy” part of the story actually exists in the (false) “real” story. And, because you will find out later that all of what is yet to happen is depicted as being just Fergie’s dream, this is part of the false metacommunication that is being used not only to give you a hint about the fact that the entire video is just a story, but also to deny the true deceptive message that is contained in the “dream” segment of the story.

It is a scene within the fictional “real life” part of the video letting you know that the whole video/story is fictional. A deception within a deception – an object from the “dream” part of the story somehow exists in this false “real life” part of the story – which is a) using the story to call attention to itself, and b) to further the deception about what the message of this story actually is.

Will.I.Am tells everyone he has something cool to show them, and he busts out one of those high-tech aluminum CIA type briefcases and opens it up. The other Peas ask what it is, and he tells them that it is a machine with artificial intelligence (AI) that will sample your voice and allow you to just type in the lyrics and it will “do all the singing, talking, rapping”. He says that it is the future and it is what will take the Peas into 3008…which is kind of funny, and very optimistic as far as being able to live that long without some kind of radical technology that could keep you alive for 120+ years. We’ll get to that part later.

This false “reality” scene continues with another BEP asking Will if this means that he won’t actually be rapping in the studio anymore, and Will explains that, no, he won’t be doing the rapping because the machine will do it all, which Will thinks is very cool.

Then Fergie gets really mad and puts on a big drama queen display. She says “it will take the soul out of it” and “it’s not real”, and finally she says, “We’re not robots!”, and leaves the room pissed off. This is another layer of the false metacommunication that is using the false “real life” part of the story to deny the true message that is about to begin in the “dream” part of the story. So then, Fergie goes outside and jumps on her awesome crotch rocket motorcycle, and takes off down the road. But she doesn’t get very far, because in her anger, she rides straight into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Not good.

The Death and Resurrection of Fergie

Poor Fergie. It looks like she has now become the cutest roadkill ever. But wait. She’s no longer in the city, where the accident happened. Now, she is suddenly in the middle of nowhere, in the desert. And this image is especially symbolic – the awesomely cool high-tech machine standing upright (not on the ground as it would be after an accident) in a superior position, casting its ominous dark shadow down upon the apparently dead human lying on the ground. The machine killed the human. Get it?

The Transhumanist Song Meanings

This BEP video uses the songs “Imma Be” and “Rock that Body“.

In terms of Transhumanist meanings, I believe that “Rock that Body” means “change and improve the human body“; i.e., improve the flawed, human meat machine using advanced technology, as we see in the video.

Imma Bee – Literally

What I find very interesting about the song “Imma Be” is that I believe it is saying, “I’m a Bee”, literally.

Obviously, I do realize that “Imma Be” is used as a slang way of saying “I’m gonna be…(this or that)”, or “I am going to be…”. But it is pretty clear from the opening scene in this video that Will.I.Am is an intelligent and well spoken guy, so the point being – the use of this phrase is intentional, and it is used for specific reasons. One of those is probably “street cred”, but I also think it is being used deliberately to create the literal meaning, “I’m a Bee”.

The way this song beats the phrase “I’m a Bee” into your mind like a hammer is significant. I considered actually counting how many times they say “I’m a Bee” in this song, but I decided that would bee too much work. Let’s just agree that it says “I’m a Bee” a whole bunch of times, probably a hundred or so times in about four minutes. So, it seems pretty clear that it was an important message that they wanted to get across.

So here’s Fergie, looking all better now, thank goodness, and she begins singing…well, rapping the lyrics. I noticed that her outfit gives the appearance of a robot face, with the round eyes being her breast areas and the square black mouth is a piece of fabric or tape. Also, notice that behind her is the giant black bad guy Borg. He drops in for the first time here.

Fergie is now walking toward the diner, which is flanked by the TUBORG beer signs, as well as the BEP album cover image. The album title, “The E.N.D.”, is interesting, not only because of the obvious “The End (of the World)” idea, but also because it means “Energy Never Dies”. This has some obvious spiritual and reincarnation components.

Some Transhumanists are into cryogenically freezing and storing their heads (Cryonics) when they die, because they believe that technology will exist in the future to bring them back from the dead. Thus, Energy Never Dies.

Near the diner is a large graveyard of obsolete and broken machines. Keep this in mind.

Dancing in the Graveyard

He’s half the man he used to bee…and he doesn’t have a leg to stand on! This is symbolic of dehumanization and mutilation, pure and simple.

Now his parts are back together again…he’s “fixed”. Note the scattered “body parts” of the obsolete and broken hardware in this machine graveyard.

Happy Borgs dancing like humans, amongst the obsolete and broken machine parts. The Borgs act like humans, the humans act like Borgs = cognitive dissonance.

The BEPs have joined forces with the Borg army. The Borgs are on the march now, with city skyscrapers in the background – symbolic of intelligent human civilization.

One second later, this symbol of intelligent human civilization vanishes. This happens more than once in the video. Why do you think this symbol of intelligent human civilization is shown disappearing?

Where’s Emerald City?

The message we are being given here is that human civilization is disappearing and is being left behind by the marching Borg army. Very disturbing.

Imma Fix Humanity: One Borg at a Time

The BEPs are then beamed down into the city, and they’ve become Borgs; enlightened and better, smarter, faster. They fall from the heavens down to Earth in blinding flashes of white light, like a morning star (small hint there).

The Erkel brothers are stuttering, broken humans. They are imperfect, and need “fixing”

Will.I.Am with heavy weaponry, illuminated for his mission to “fix” humanity – he’s ready to rock that (human) body with his awesome speaker gun. The humans in this video are all stuttering and broken machines that need to be fixed and improved.

Police-state and New World Order/Brave New World themes are very prominent in this video. The speaker cones replacing the usual gun barrels is very clever, and cool looking. It implies a combination of our sense of hearing and the presence of the guns and authority figures (soldiers and police) – so it has a sort of “Now hear this! tone – speakers, sound, hearing, authority, guns, obey.

But, these sound cannons are good things in the video (cognitive dissonance) because they are “fixing” the broken humans – by force, of course. There is no indication whatsoever that the humans have any choice in the matter.

Obviously, this is product placement, but please realize how deliberate this is, and how it fits with the Transhumanist agenda. I mean, it’s not just Bud Light or Beck’s…it’s TUBORG!! Also, notice the Crown on top of the Tuborg label, a very obvious symbol of Royalty – the elite ruling class. Not to mention intoxication.

All the Erkel type stuttering humans in this video (who are stuck and cannot move forward without Transhumanism) love the “gift” that they are given by the enlightened BEP Borgs, and they don’t resist at all. They apparently want us to see that resistance is futile, and that we can’t fight the future. As Will.I.Am says at the beginning of the video, “You can’t be futuristic and be afraid of the future.” If the Transhumanists get their way, there’s plenty of reason to bee afraid of the future.

The BEP borgs know what is best for you, just look at their loving, happy guns! They are aiming their Transhumanist ideas at you, and you need to be shot for your own good. They don’t look too happy about it, either.

The entire second part of this video has a very serious tone, which is a little odd considering that they are portraying their acts as kind, wonderful, and liberating humanity – once again, that is cognitive dissonance.

Seriously, does anyone out there not see the fascist police state/sexuality cognitive dissonance here?? Pleasure and punishment

Then the black bad guy Borg and the white good guy Borg and the BEP Borgs and the new and improved humans are all dancing together and everyone is happy.We’re from the government, and we’re here to fix you!! We’re going to give you the future you deserve.

The giant Borgs are having a dancing contest. So, in this scene, the giant robots are dancing like humans. And the humans are dancing like robots. That’s usually thought of as a juxtaposition, but in this case it is also very much used as cognitive dissonance to leave a deeper imprint in the viewer’s mind, due to the conflicting ideas that are shown.

These kinds of ideas are used constantly in mass media, for exactly this reason – they force the viewer at an unconscious level to reconcile the conflicting images and ideas, rationalization, such as Fergie’s sexual attractiveness while carrying guns and shooting people…and machines dancing like humans while the humans dance like machines.

So here at the end, the black bad guy Borg apparently danced himself to death? The story itself didn’t make it clear why he died so suddenly at the end, but it obviously represents the old, inferior technology (humans) dying because it could not keep up and couldn’t handle the future, and it is being replaced by the forces of new and improved, enlightened technology.

The white good guy Borg and the BEPs and the new and improved humans have survived, because they have embraced the future in this new “Golden Age” of Transhumanism.

And, this is also just another version of the typical Hollyweird forced “happy ending”, to give the many clueless viewers the illusion of relief after the hurricane of cognitive dissonance they have just witnessed in this video. The twist here is that most viewers probably don’t realize that they have just watched their own race being killed here, and replaced by the Transhumanist vision of superintelligent, superhuman beings. This ending really drives home the primary deception in this story, and how powerful and effective these tools of Psychological Warfare truly are.

Vigilant’s Conclusion

The idea of transhumanism has been circulating in mass media outputs, especially movies, TV shows and music videos. Imma Be /Rock that Body is of many videos portraying the upgrade of human beings to a super-robotlike status. The repeated recurrence of this theme simply cannot be a coincidence. It is rather the result of a steady agenda of desensitization, predictive programming and good old fashioned marketing. The trend is not about to die. Here’s Rihanna copulating with robots at Echo 2010.

And here’s Christina Aguilera’s next album cover.

I don’t know about you, but Imma Be a human.

Related Contents

Read the complete article at Public Vigil

martedì 13 aprile 2010

Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers’ Heads by 2020

Researchers expect brain waves to operate computers, TVs and cell phone.

If the idea of turning consumers into true cyborgs sounds creepy, don't tell Intel researchers. Intel's Pittsburgh lab aims to develop brain implants that can control all sorts of gadgets directly via brain waves by 2020.

The scientists anticipate that consumers will adapt quickly to the idea, and indeed crave the freedom of not requiring a keyboard, mouse, or remote control for surfing the Web or changing channels. They also predict that people will tire of multi-touch devices such as our precious iPhones, Android smart phones and even Microsoft's wacky Surface Table.

Turning brain waves into real-world tech action still requires some heavy decoding of brain activity. The Intel team has already made use of fMRI brain scans to match brain patterns with similar thoughts across many test subjects.

Plenty of other researchers have also tinkered in this area. Toyota recently demoed a wheelchair controlled with brainwaves, and University of Utah researchers have created a wireless brain transmitter that allows monkeys to control robotic arms.

There are still more implications to creating a seamless brain interface, besides having more cyborgs running around. If scientists can translate brain waves into specific actions, there's no reason they could not create a virtual world with a full spectrum of activity tied to those brain waves. That's right -- we're seeing Matrix creep.

Source :

venerdì 9 aprile 2010

The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” -

Lady Gaga’s 9-minute video featuring Beyoncé is steeped in weirdness and shock value. Behind the strange aesthetic, however, lies a deeper meaning, another level of interpretation. The video refers to mind control and, more specifically, Monarch Programming, a covert technique profusely used in the entertainment industry. We’ll look at the occult meaning of the video “Telephone”.

Just when I thought I’d written everything I had to write about Lady Gaga, Telephone comes out. An inevitable deluge of e-mails instantly followed, demanding an article about it. So I watched the video and, gosh darnit, the people who wrote those e-mails were right. There are, yet again, a whole bunch of Illuminati/mind control symbols in Lady Gaga’s latest video. I can’t say I was surprised, however, knowing that Jonas Akerlund co-wrote and directed the video. In the article Lady Gaga, the Illuminati puppet (which I suggest you read before this one), I dissected the Akerlund-directed video Paparazzi and its references to mind-control programming. Telephone acts as a sequel to Paparazzi, where Gaga still plays the role of a mind-controlled drone who kills people. This concept is never openly discussed by the artists when they are asked to explain their videos because it is not meant to be understood for the masses. The hidden meaning of the video actually depicts the elite’s contempt for the general population, hence the scene of ritual murder of average Americans in a diner by mind-controlled slaves. Don’t know what the hell I’m talking about? Keep reading.

The Hidden Meaning of the Song

When I first heard Telephone on the radio, I thought the song was about Lady Gaga receiving phone calls from an annoying dude while she’s out in a club. I could already picture a video of Gaga on a dance floor not answering her cellphone. I’ve imagined this video because I was interpreting the song at its face value and going by its literal meaning, like most people do. Akerlund’s video has however infused a second, deeper meaning to the song, giving it an entirely new dimension. In an interview with E! Online, Gaga herself explained this fact:

“There was this really amazing quality in ‘Paparazzi,’ where it kind of had this pure pop music quality but at the same time it was a commentary on fame culture. In its own way, even at certain points working with Jonas Åkerlund, the director of both videos really achieved this high art quality in the way that it was shot. I wanted to do the same thing with this video—take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper.”

- Source

What is never stated, however, is that this “deeper meaning” found in Gaga’s video relates to mind control, a covert practice used by the military, the CIA, religious cults and the Illuminati elite. It is used to program human beings to become mental slaves and to execute specific tasks. In Paparazzi, Gaga plays the role of a mind-controlled slave who was “programmed” to poison and kill her boyfriend. Telephone is a continuation of this story, where Gaga goes to jail for her crime.

In the video, the “telephone” is a metaphor for Gaga’s brain and the fact that she is not answering that phone (her brain) means that she has “dissociated” from reality. Dissociation is the ultimate goal of Monarch mind control. It is induced by traumatizing events, such as electroshock therapy or torture, to force the victim to dissociate from reality. This enables the handlers to create in the victim an alter personality that can be programmed to perform various tasks, such as carrying out an assassination.

“Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition.

Installation of mind control programming relies on the victim’s capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off personalities to “hold” and “hide” programming. Already dissociative children are prime “candidates” for programming”.

- Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., The Relationship Between Mind Control Programming and Ritual Abuse

Gaga’s brain as a non-answering telephone is represented in two separate occasions during the video:

Gaga’s head is the telephone. She is not answering that phone, which is symbolic of her dissociative mind state.
The telephone receiver is made out of hair and covers her left eye, representing Illuminati mind control

So in the context of the video, the telephone is Gaga’s mind and the dance club is representative of her dissociative state, the “magical place” mind-controlled slaves are trained to escape to during traumatic events.

“Hello, hello, baby

You called, I can’t hear a thing.

I have got no service

in the club, you say, say

Wha-Wha-What did you say, huh?

You’re breaking up on me

Sorry, I cannot hear you,

I’m kinda busy.

K-kinda busy

K-kinda busy

Sorry, I cannot hear you, I’m kinda busy.”

By “kinda busy”, Gaga means she has dissociated from reality. Real life is calling her brain but she “has no service”, she’s not there. The chorus pretty much epitomizes this concept.

“Stop callin’, stop callin’,

I don’t wanna think anymore!

I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.

Stop callin’, stop callin,

I don’t wanna talk anymore!

I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.”

Gaga is not thinking or talking for herself anymore, her head and her heart have been dissociated from her core personality due to Monarch programming.

Video Analysis

The video is a Quentin Tarantino-esque short film which is heavily inspired by Thelma and Louise and peppered with tons of product placements and transvestites. That surely wasn’t the video I was picturing when I first heard that song. From the comments I’ve read, the video left many fans confused about its meaning. This is quite understandable, knowing that most viewers have no idea what the song is really about. When the hidden “mind control” meaning is brought to light, the symbolism of the video becomes evident and the storyline becomes more coherent. I will now attempt to go through the many symbolic scenes of the video and explain their occult meaning. Here’s the video:

The video starts with Gaga entering the “Prison for Bitches”. So, yeah, I know, she addressed that hermaphrodite rumor and many think it was the most hilarious thing ever. I’ve never really cared about those gossipy rumors so I won’t elaborate on them.

In the prison yard, Gaga walks around chained up and wearing sunglasses made of lit cigarettes.

Do the cigarettes covering her eyes represent her blindness to her highly toxic life as a mind controlled drone?

Gaga then sits down and “gets busy” with a weird-looking inmate, but is interrupted by a phone call. She seems to be enjoying a special status in the jail … maybe due to the fact that she is a slave only obeying orders … and that she is needed again.

Gaga is then bailed out by Beyoncé and leaves prison. Inside the car, Gaga and Beyoncé engage into a highly dissociative conversation. It basically sounds like dialogue between two mind-controlled slaves. The phrase “Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it’s broke but you can still see the crack in the motherfucker’s reflection” can refer to a cheating boyfriend and can also refer to the permanent damage caused by the fragmenting of one’s personality in mind control.

The dynamic duo then enters an all-American, good ol’-fashioned diner. Beyoncé meets with probably the biggest douche in the universe (played by Tyrese Gibson) and proceeds to poison him. At this point, Gaga comes out of the kitchen with poisoned honey and serves it to the customers.

Gaga stares blankly (the way a dissociated mind-controlled assassin would stare) while Tyrese eats the poison

The mass murder begins … people eat up Gaga’s poisoned honey and die. Does this represent the Illuminati elite poisoning the masses with toxic media?

Lady Gaga turns the a-ok hand in front of her eye (representing the Illuminati’s “All-Seeing Eye”) into a gun pointed towards the viewer … the masses eating all of the poison served to them.

The entire clientele of the all-American diner gets poisoned and dies. You might have noticed the emphasis on “bees” and “honey” during the entire video. Gaga calls Beyoncé “Honey Bee”. She also serves poisoned honey to the diner’s customers. What does this signify? Beyoncé and Gaga’s poisonous honey is actually their music and videos, which are served to the general public through mass media. You can figure out the rest.

While the customers are agonizing and dying, Beyoncé puts on the Mickey Mouse sunglasses, the same glasses worn by Gaga in Paparazzi while killing her boyfriend.

Beyoncé wearing Mickey Mouse sunglasses
Gaga with Mickey Mouse sunglasses in Paparazzi

In both videos, the singers wore the glasses during the killings, hinting to the fact that they are programmed to execute the poisonings. As stated in previous articles, Mickey Mouse ears or designs often occultly refer to mind control , probably because Disney films were known to be used on MK slaves during their programming.

Gaga and Beyoncé then start dancing in “patriotic” outfits surrounded by the lifeless bodies of dead Americans … pretty disturbing. In her interview with E! Online about Telephone, Gaga stated she wanted to take

“the idea that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology and turn it into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are.”

- Source

Is that what she meant?

To sum up the situation in the diner, we have Lady Gaga and Beyoncé dancing around dead people and singing about the fact they are dissociative, mind-controlled drones.

“Can call all you want,

but there’s no one home,

and you’re not gonna reach my telephone!”

Gaga and Beyoncé finally flee the crime scene. Gaga is then shown in front of the Pussy Wagon wearing a leopard-print suit, a reference to “sex kitten” programming.

Beta (aka Kitten) Programming

BETA. Referred to as “sexual” programming. This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level.

-Ron Patton, Project Monarch

In the final scene, Gaga and Beyoncé prance around wearing dresses by Emilie Pirlot. Beyoncé’s black dress and the veils hint to the ritualistic nature of the murders.

Illuminati Signs

As stated in previous articles, the hiding of one eye and the “a-ok” sign (which seemingly means 666 in the music industry) are flashed by all Illuminati artists, apparently to show their allegiance. There are a truckload of them in this video.

One Eye Hidden

Gaga dressed in police tape, covering one eye. Knowing the trauma mind control victims must go through, her body is truly a crime scene.

A-Ok Handsign

Electroshock Therapy

Electroshock therapy is the main tool employed by mind control handlers to induce dissociation and fragmentation in the victims. This horrifying practice has been referred to several times in Gaga’s works. Here are two examples.

Manifesto of Little Monsters

In this interlude video of the Monster Ball Tour, Gaga clearly gets electroshocked:

David Lachapelle Photoshoot

Another instance where Gaga gets electroshock therapy.

In Conclusion

Telephone is yet another Lady Gaga product permeated with references to mind control and Illuminati symbolism. Gaga’s “commentary” on today’s youth is certainly not a positive one. The video basically says: America is ready to eat any poisonous crap the elite serves them, and that is accomplished through controlled puppets. I will now pre-address comments I’m bound to receive:

“How is Lady Gaga mind controlling me? I’m not feeling controlled to do anything”

I am not saying that Gaga is controlling your mind. I’m saying her video is ABOUT mind control. This disturbing theme keeps reoccurring in pop music. What you should ask yourself is this: does mass media shape and mold our society’s values and beliefs? Billions of dollars invested yearly in marketing say yes.

“Your articles are a form of mind control.”

Someone voicing an opinion on a website is not a form of mind control. Quite to the contrary, it is a freedom guaranteed by the first amendment. To compare this article to the ritual abuse mind control victims have to go through is a total aberration. If you were forced to read out loud this article numerous times while being deprived of food and sleep, then maybe it could qualify as mind control.

“She is doing it on purpose to piss you off”

I heard this comment when Bad Romance came out and after her Grammy performance, where her hype man alluded to her “mind-controlling music”. As much as I would like to believe that I’ve got that much influence on today’s biggest star, I highly doubt that Gaga, her staff, her video directors and her record label with its millions of dollars would concentrate all of their creative efforts to piss off one blogger. The truth is: She was doing this before this site was even online and she keeps doing it now. Her works, like the works of many other pop stars, are part of a greater agenda. It used to focus on exposing the youth to materialism and sexual promiscuity, but it has now expanded to occult symbolism, mind control and transhumanism.

Am I reaching you or is your telephone busy?
