mercoledì 30 giugno 2010
Gulf oil spill intentional?
The BP oil spill continues to poison the sea, and US citizens are starting to feel like there's more than meets the eye in this story.
The potential magnitude of what is unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico simply cannot be overstated. It is far, far worse than what is being admitted and what we are allowed to see is catastrophic enough.
Lawsuits claim that the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig, 52 miles southeast of the Louisiana port of Venice on April 20, was caused because Halliburton workers improperly capped the well — a process known as cementing.
Oddly, just eight days before the Gulf blow-out, Halliburton also announced that it had agreed to buy Boots & Coots for $240.4 million. Who are Boots & Coots?
Boots & Coots are the world's largest oil-spill clean-up company, which also deals with oil and gas well fires and blowouts.
Goldman Sachs sold 44 per cent of its holdings in BP, a total of 4,680,822 shares worth the best part of $300 million, in the weeks before the Gulf disaster that sent BP shares plummeting.
BP chief executive Tony Hayward is reported to have sold his £1.4 million shares in BP a month before the explosion. The profit allowed him to pay off the mortgage on his mansion.
sabato 26 giugno 2010
Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 3 New World Order military plans
In my previous article I touched base on the historical plans of the New World Order and how they hoped to encircle the world during the “Cold War” years. This article will explain that plan and how in more modern times they are going down the same road again. The first plan failed but will this second surge allow them to re establish their authority in trying to create a one world power.
The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in 1949 but for many years maintained a very low profile until the outbreak of the Korean War. It was originally established to maintain the so called “Iron Curtain” which in principle was to keep the communist on one side of the fence and the west on the other. It was also around this time (after WW2) that its other intention was to keep Germany in check. It was finally decided that Germany would be split with the establishment of East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall came into existence.
It was interesting to note that in the early years a rift occurred within NATO itself when France objected to the dominance of the US (sound familiar?) and wanted a more balanced control. Needless to say the US never gives away anything and so France started a progressive withdrawal from many of established areas of NATO and by 1967 had very little activity. An alliance remained with France with the proviso that should hostilities re occur France would re enter the organization.
What many people didn’t know was that during the “Cold War” years other pacts were attempted such as the Central Treaty Organisation (CENTO) which was originally called the Middle East Treaty Organisation (METO) or Baghdad Pact, and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO). This was the first indication (in the global sense) of the attempt or existence of a New World Order and its intended plans.
It became evident to many of the countries involved that this was a US controlled plan with the UK playing an active part. CENTO was doomed from the onset and eventually failed (1958-1979). SEATO started a little earlier (1955 – 1977) and also failed. I myself participated in military exercises in both organisations and ended up working in NATO, the only organization that remains to this day.
Let’s now move forward to the current time and see how the New World Order is trying to re establish itself in much the same way as it did during the “Cold War” but with much more vigour and manipulation. The main thrust behind this global dominance is by what I call the G3.5, US, UK, France and Germany. So what is their current involvement and what are they hoping to achieve.
They themselves stipulate their main areas of concern are Iran, Yemen, Somalia and North Korea. Iran obviously is a thorn in the side for the West, especially in the eyes of the US, who are desperately trying to secure an extremely lucrative deal to construct a pipeline from Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India (TAPI). This project is worth trillions of dollars during it expected life but is not going to plan. It should have been up and running many years ago but the war has continued to delay its implementation. The success of this project depended on Pakistan and India purchasing the gas.
For a very long time the US has been attempting to stop Pakistan and India from buying into another pipeline which is on offer from Iran – Pakistan – India (IPI). This pipeline is a much more logical and commercial venture and will not pass through the existing war zone of Afghanistan. There is also a strong interest in this pipeline from the Chinese who may ask for a branch pipeline to run into China. One can clearly see that the New World Order want the TAPI pipeline to happen and consequently have this year re enforced the troops numbers to try and secure Southern Afghanistan for the pipeline route (Heart – Helmand – Kandahar).
The New World Order is all about taking control of major natural resources and securing dominance in oil and gas world markets. The war in Afghanistan was only for this purpose and nothing to do with democracy…..obviously the opium trade was also vital to their plans, as are all drugs.
One major set back has now occurred in that Pakistan and India are expected to take the IPI Iranian pipeline and not the US/UK option (TAPI). This must be a major setback for the New World Order and may now cause a major change in their military strategy by pulling out of Afghanistan….time will tell.
As we understand the US want Israel to strike Iran in order to justify bringing the US and NATO into the dog fight. It is clear that the IDF cannot carry out this possible attack alone as they do not have an aircraft that can carry the MOP bomb or do not have the range to make their targets without the assistance of the US. Whatever the outcome the New World Order really do want this to happen in order to weaken the existing regime and at the same time contaminate the country with Depleted/Enriched Uranium Weapons. This would also enhance their plans to contaminate the entire Middle East and thus dramatically attack the genetics of all Islamic countries. Such weapons currently being used in Afghanistan and Gaza directly attack the human DNA.
One could then ask the question why is the US, UK and NATO (New World Order) interested in Yemen and Somalia….the answer is very simple…they want to control the Gulf of Aden in order to control the major shipping lanes that currently passes up the Red Sea and the Suez Canal en route to and from the Mediterranean. Yemen and Somalia sit on either side of this vital supply route. It would also give the US and or NATO an opportunity to set up a major military base to guard and control this passage.
So now we can see a rerun of the old master plan (NATO-CENTO-SEATO) with a significant military presence in the Eastern Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Aden, the Coastline of Somalia with major international military bases scattered in and around the entire Middle East. Over in Southeast Asia we have the same buildup stretching from Singapore – Taiwan – South Korea with a distinct possibility that the US may get back into the Philippines (Mindanao) or if not certainly support that region.
If one looks at an updated map of NATO you can clearly see the progressive advancement in many areas….especially where they may be an Islamic influence. As far as the New World Order is involved the “Cold War” is still in existence to stem the flow of communism or to stop Russia from acquiring more oil/gas dominance on the world market. We also have the New World Order that is suffering from Islamaphoebia, who keep pushing the Al Qaeda/Terrorism False Flag issue in order to carry out their own imperialistic dreams of controlling all major oil/gas reserves or securing the major world markets. Currently the vital markets they are after are Pakistan, India and China but these are fast disappearing!
Part 4 will deal with how the New World Order is attacking the British Constitution and how Britain is progressively being handed over to the EU. This is an on going move by Gordon Brown and is in clear violation of the rules…..lobby groups are more specific when they say this amounts to sedition and treason by the UK Government. One can also see that the other main parties are also interested in following this trend. Many politicians are members of the Freemasons and thus have a lean towards the New World Order, which is at the centre of their activity.
Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 8/4/2010
giovedì 24 giugno 2010
There Will Be War
Last week, Iran's opposition leaders Mir-Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi canceled anti-government demonstrations timed to commemorate the anniversary of last year's disputed presidential election. Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton called the cancellation "regrettable," but missed the larger point. The reform these two men offer is not what the majority of Iranians want: They want an end to the current Islamic regime. One year ago, the Obama administration missed an opportunity to support Iran's uprising. They mistakenly calculated that back-door negotiations with Iran's clerics and promises made by its rulers would bring cooperation on the nuclear issue. The Americans were duped and now find themselves grasping for another chance to support an Iranian uprising.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration has ordered a massive buildup of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf starting with Carrier Strike Group 10, headed by the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier. Just last Friday an armada of more than 12 U.S. and Israeli warships passed through the Suez canal amid extreme security provided by Egypt. The ships are headed for the Red Sea and from there to the Persian Gulf. Another four U.S. warships will be making their way to the region to join the Strike Group. The Americans have also conducted joint air and naval strike practices with France and the U.K. under the command of American forces, while Germany is sending warships to the area, also under the command of American forces.
Both Israel and the U.S. have positioned nuclear-armed submarines in the region. Israel has conducted multiple tests on its missile defense systems to protect its citizens once war breaks out. U.S. and Israeli Special Forces have been deployed inside Iran to investigate potential targets and gauge the willingness of Iranians to overthrow the current regime. Russia--up to now a key backer of the regime--recently announced a freeze in sales of its S-300 missiles to Iran. Vladimir Putin confirmed this himself last week.
Iran, for its part, is also preparing for an all-out war in the Middle East. Before even a vote was cast at the U.N. on recent sanctions, Iranian leaders had ordered the Guards to build up. Reinforcement troops have been dispatched to the Iraqi and Afghanistan borders. Hezbollah has been armed to the teeth, and Syria was presented with missiles carrying larger payloads and longer range.
Meanwhile Iran is busy pursuing its nuclear bomb project and enriching its supply of uranium faster than ever before, with the hope of testing its first nuclear bomb. Accomplishing this will fulfill the prophecy sought by the radical members of the secretive society of Hojjatieh, particularly its leader Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, the person responsible for the initial election and fraudulent re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Hojjatieh movement impatiently seeks the end of times and the return of Imam Mahdi, the last messiah.
The Islamic Regime is prepared to suppress any uprising. They are well aware of the West's intention to crumble Iran's economy in coming months and to create the conditions for a massive rebellion. Iran's Revolutionary Guards have set up detention centers in rural areas capable of housing thousands in the event of any further unrest. The Guards have been anticipating this day ever since Mohammad Ali Jafari was picked as commander by Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei. Jafari has said that Iran's opposition is an even greater threat to Iran than its former archenemy Saddam Hussein had been. He has facilitated the establishment of 31 command and control centers in and around Iran that can operate independently in case of a break in communication during a war. Each center is authorized to suppress any unrest and to confront any enemy. Jafari has also brought Iran's Basij militia--a group of pro-government vigilantes--under Guard command to insure greater coordination.
The clock is ticking and the lives of hundreds of thousands--if not millions--are at stake. Now is the time to pursue all non-violent approaches: cut all diplomatic ties, expel Iranian officials and openly support the people of Iran. Only with international support will Iran's people be emboldened to rebel and will regime loyalists abandon ship. The desire to overthrow the regime is already so great within Iran that this alone could be enough to lead to successful rebellion.
But if war cannot be avoided, the West should keep in mind Iran's rich history of principles, humanity and dignity. Bombing Iran into the stone age is not the answer, for the country is rich in culture and its people are much more pro-West than most Americans realize. The focus of any war must be the Guards and the Basij forces. If Western forces can defeat them, Iran's people will do the rest, and its Islamic Regime will join other barbaric regimes in the trash bin of history.
Reza Kahlili
Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who requires anonymity for safety reasons. A Time to Betray, his book about his double life as a CIA agent in Iran's Revolutionary Guards, was published by Simon & Schuster last April.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration has ordered a massive buildup of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf starting with Carrier Strike Group 10, headed by the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier. Just last Friday an armada of more than 12 U.S. and Israeli warships passed through the Suez canal amid extreme security provided by Egypt. The ships are headed for the Red Sea and from there to the Persian Gulf. Another four U.S. warships will be making their way to the region to join the Strike Group. The Americans have also conducted joint air and naval strike practices with France and the U.K. under the command of American forces, while Germany is sending warships to the area, also under the command of American forces.
Both Israel and the U.S. have positioned nuclear-armed submarines in the region. Israel has conducted multiple tests on its missile defense systems to protect its citizens once war breaks out. U.S. and Israeli Special Forces have been deployed inside Iran to investigate potential targets and gauge the willingness of Iranians to overthrow the current regime. Russia--up to now a key backer of the regime--recently announced a freeze in sales of its S-300 missiles to Iran. Vladimir Putin confirmed this himself last week.
Iran, for its part, is also preparing for an all-out war in the Middle East. Before even a vote was cast at the U.N. on recent sanctions, Iranian leaders had ordered the Guards to build up. Reinforcement troops have been dispatched to the Iraqi and Afghanistan borders. Hezbollah has been armed to the teeth, and Syria was presented with missiles carrying larger payloads and longer range.
Meanwhile Iran is busy pursuing its nuclear bomb project and enriching its supply of uranium faster than ever before, with the hope of testing its first nuclear bomb. Accomplishing this will fulfill the prophecy sought by the radical members of the secretive society of Hojjatieh, particularly its leader Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, the person responsible for the initial election and fraudulent re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Hojjatieh movement impatiently seeks the end of times and the return of Imam Mahdi, the last messiah.
The Islamic Regime is prepared to suppress any uprising. They are well aware of the West's intention to crumble Iran's economy in coming months and to create the conditions for a massive rebellion. Iran's Revolutionary Guards have set up detention centers in rural areas capable of housing thousands in the event of any further unrest. The Guards have been anticipating this day ever since Mohammad Ali Jafari was picked as commander by Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei. Jafari has said that Iran's opposition is an even greater threat to Iran than its former archenemy Saddam Hussein had been. He has facilitated the establishment of 31 command and control centers in and around Iran that can operate independently in case of a break in communication during a war. Each center is authorized to suppress any unrest and to confront any enemy. Jafari has also brought Iran's Basij militia--a group of pro-government vigilantes--under Guard command to insure greater coordination.
The clock is ticking and the lives of hundreds of thousands--if not millions--are at stake. Now is the time to pursue all non-violent approaches: cut all diplomatic ties, expel Iranian officials and openly support the people of Iran. Only with international support will Iran's people be emboldened to rebel and will regime loyalists abandon ship. The desire to overthrow the regime is already so great within Iran that this alone could be enough to lead to successful rebellion.
But if war cannot be avoided, the West should keep in mind Iran's rich history of principles, humanity and dignity. Bombing Iran into the stone age is not the answer, for the country is rich in culture and its people are much more pro-West than most Americans realize. The focus of any war must be the Guards and the Basij forces. If Western forces can defeat them, Iran's people will do the rest, and its Islamic Regime will join other barbaric regimes in the trash bin of history.
Reza Kahlili
Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who requires anonymity for safety reasons. A Time to Betray, his book about his double life as a CIA agent in Iran's Revolutionary Guards, was published by Simon & Schuster last April.
mercoledì 23 giugno 2010
Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
A Chinese secret society with 6 million members, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters and 100,000 professional assassins, have targeted Illuminati members if they proceed with world depopulation plans, according to Tokyo-based journalist Benjamin Fulford, 46.
A Chinese secret society with 6 million members, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters and 100,000 professional assassins, have targeted Illuminati members if they proceed with world depopulation plans, according to Tokyo-based journalist Benjamin Fulford, 46.
"The Illuminati, with the exception of Japan, is very much a white man's game," Fulford says.
The secret society confirmed Fulford's information and asked for advice. He provided them with a list of 10,000 people associated with the Illuminati, mainly members of the Bilderberg, CFR and Skull and Bones. Neo Cons are also high priority targets.
"I have promised that not a single person will die if they negotiate in good faith," Fulford says.
Fulford is the former Asian Pacific bureau chief for Forbes magazine. He quit in disgust when Forbes refused to run a damaging story about one of its advertisers. Fulford has since written 15 books in Japanese. His most recent is a scathing dissection of the 9-11 Hoax.
Fulford says Japan has been controlled in secret by the Illuminati through the use of murder and bribery. Underground sources tell him the Americans have murdered over 200 Japanese politicians and influential citizens since the end of WW2.
Among the victims are former Prime Ministers Tanaka, Takeshita, Ohira and Obuchi. They were all murdered using a special drug that induces strokes. The Illuminati have been warned that the Chinese secret society will not tolerate any more murders. It has also extended its protection to truth seekers in the West.
The Chinese Secret Society is called the "The Green and the Red Societies," Fulford says.
It "can be found in the history books. When the Manchus invaded China in 1644, the Ming army became an underground society aimed at overthrowing the Qing (Manchu) and restoring the Ming. They supported the Boxer Rebellion but were put down by imperialist powers. Later, with the help of overseas Chinese and the Japanese imperial family, the society managed to overthrow the last Emperor and install Sun Yat Sen in his place. They last appear in the history books as the Green Gang and the Red Gang that fiercely fought the Communists in Shanghai in the 1940’s. They were defeated by the Communists in 1949 and once again became an underground organization."
"Since 1949 they have steadily increased their influence throughout China and the rest of the world. They have members at the very highest levels of the Chinese government but they are by nature anti-establishment, and are not an official Chinese government organization. ..
"The society has deep roots in Japan because of the link between Yakuza crime gangs and the Japanese imperial family. The Japanese imperial family are descended from 6th century Korean invaders. The original invaders had trouble putting down the native Jomon peoples so they brought over a tough, warlike minority people from the Asian mainland. These are the ancestors of the Yakuza. They have historically been used for secret work and for jobs like collecting taxes. When the Japanese decided to help overthrow the last Chinese dynasty, they used the Yakuza as a go-between with the Chinese secret society, many of whose members were gangsters. To this day many of the senior leaders of this group are actually Japanese, not Chinese."
"It must be made very clear though that it is not a crime gang. Although many members are Triad and Yakuza members, over 2/3 thirds of the members are intellectuals such as university professors, researchers and government bureaucrats. Each member earns their own living and membership in the society is like belonging to an emergency fire brigade. Their book of rules reads like a book of ethics filled with instructions to do things like help the weak, fight injustice, help your comrades etc."
"They approached me and asked if they could help after I made a speech in Tokyo describing the Bush regimes’ use of race-specific biological weapons. For me it was like a ghost from the history books appearing right in front of me. At first I thought of silly things like having them play 911 truth videos in Chinatowns around the world. However, then I remembered the scene from the movie Kill Bill where Uma Thurman snatches out her opponent’s eye. I soon realized these people could save the world by directly attacking the eye at the top of the pyramid on the one-dollar bill."
"Think about it, the illuminati and their top servants have a total membership of about 10,000 whereas the Chinese group has over 6 million members. That is 600-to-one odds. Furthermore, the 6 million have the names and addresses of the 10,000 while the 10,000 do not know who or where the 6 million are."
"Below is a brief a summary of the intelligence I have received from sources including: former Japanese Prime Ministers, senior Yakuza gangsters, senior Japanese Freemasons, Western intelligence agencies etc.
"First the illuminati are really inbred families of European and North American traditional aristocracy and banking families. They control the U.S., England, Europe (except for Scandinavian countries, Germany and Italy; Italy kicked them out in the 1970's),Japan, Africa, Iran, Canada and Mexico. They do not control China, Russia (Putin kicked them out for the first time since 1917), India, South East Asia, South America, Cuba etc.
"Their goal is to create a world government. Until 2 years ago the plan was the New World Order. That was outlined pretty clearly in the Project for a New American Century. However, with the debacle in Iraq, the secret government of the West changed to a new plan that is a world government based on the EU. To do this they will sabotage the U.S. economy.
"However, there is a big schism in the secret government. Jay Rockefeller and Philip Rothschild support one faction, the Global Warming Faction. Opposing them is the War on Terrorism Faction supported by David Rockefeller and the JP Morgan descendents (Bush, Harriman, Walker etc.). The warming people want to sell 500 nuclear power plants to China and a similar amount to the rest of the world. The terrorism guys want to keep U.S. dominance by maintaining control over oil. Putin was a huge setback for them.
"They are also neo-Nazis who want to reduce the amount of colored people in the world by at least half through disease, starvation and war. The Chinese secret society got wind of this and is preparing to stop them."
I challenged Fulford on Germany, Italy, Scandinavia and possibly Russia not being controlled by the Illuminati. He replied that "the quality of my intelligence varies":
"I can say with certainty that China, Russia and India are free. When Putin kicked out Nieslev and Bereshovsky and arrested Khordokovsky, he basically kicked the Rockefellers and Rothschilds out of Russia. I have good Russian sources and am confident Putin is a nationalist who is fighting the Illuminati with all his might. When ex-NSA chief Bobby Inman spoke at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan on June 26th he made it very clear he expected a protracted struggle with Russia.
"India kicked them out in Ghandi’s day and they have never been allowed back. Having liberated themselves after 300 years of Illuminati (East India Company) rule, they do not intend to let themselves fall under their control again.
"There have been many attempts by the Illuminati to infiltrate and dominate China. They financed Chairman Mao but he then kicked them out in the 1960’ s (that is why China and the USSR nearly went to war then). They are now trying to create a financial crisis in China that would open the way for them to infiltrate the Chinese financial system. They will not succeed. Italy basically purged itself during the big P2 Masonic lodge scandal back in the 80’s and re-infiltration has only been partly successful. Germany is part of the Nato alliance and is thus indirectly controlled. There is a powerful branch of the Rothschild family operating there.
"However, Germany does not appear on a top-secret Illuminati power flow chart I have obtained. As far as Iran is concerned, I know they financed Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran appears on the flow chart I have. My understanding is they want to provoke a conflict between Islam and the West so they can consolidate their control over the Muslim and Christian worlds before finishing world conquest by taking over China and India."
Fulford says a meeting is being arranged with Russia’s Vladimir Putin to make sure the KGB also cooperates in this plan to snatch the eye out of the pyramid.
"So far, I have told the Illuminati that they are no longer allowed to murder Japanese politicians. I now plan to extend this protection to all politicians in the West. If the illuminati assassinate or attempt to assassinate Ron Paul, Barak Obama or any politician, may God have mercy on their souls."
"Since I am a peace-loving, laid-back Canadian suddenly put in a situation of great responsibility, I feel I must act as a servant of the weakest people and creatures on the planet. I have also been negotiating in secret with the Illuminati in the hopes of arranging for them to cede power without any bloodshed in exchange for a general amnesty.
'Trust me on this, the illuminati have failed because of their racism. Although other peoples understand that theWest is a slave society, those living there do not realize it. The illuminati do not control China, India or now Russia. They are about to lose power. We are like people living in Berlin before the collapse of the Berlin wall. The illuminati are like the Wizard of Oz; once you pull aside the curtain you are surprized by how weak they really are. They rely on illusion. Once the illusion is gone, they are just a bunch of weak old men.
"I do believe we now have a real chance to end the New World Order and start the New Age. The New Age would be one where war, poverty and environmental destruction would only be found in the history books."
I applaud Benjamin Fulford's courage, idealism and defiance. However, he is new to this subject and may have been mislead. He shouldn't use Illuminati teminology like "New Age" . The Illuminati control the central banks of Russia, China, India and Venezuela. They control the EU. Germany may not appear on the Illuminati chart because it is at the top. Barak Obama is a Zionist stooge. The Illuminati Li Ka-Shing (and family) has had a major role in China. Heck, the Communists are Illuminati. I thought the Illuminati controlled organized crime. I can't imagine a genuinely benevolent secret society. It would be encouraging if this were one.
It's possible Fulford is sincere but is being used to confuse and/or create divisions. Possibly they want to ramp up domestic terrorism as an excuse for martial law. Now, Orientals as well as Muslims could be on the watch list. This secret society is challenging the traitorous Western Establishment. We're talking about the State Apparatus! So please be critical. It may or may not be what he says. Time will tell.
In any case, it's time we refused to bow down to tyranny and called a spade a spade.
Imagine, in Japan he writes the truth in the mainstream media! Maybe some day, we'll do that in America. Benjamin Fulford is an inspiration and deserves our thanks.
martedì 22 giugno 2010
Air tests from the Louisiana coast reveal human health threats from the oil disaster
The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher.
Today the Louisiana Environmental Action Network released its analysis of air monitoring test results by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA’s air testing data comes from Venice, a coastal community 75 miles south of New Orleans in Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish.
The findings show that levels of airborne chemicals have far exceeded state standards and what’s considered safe for human exposure.
For instance, hydrogen sulfide has been detected at concentrations more than 100 times greater than the level known to cause physical reactions in people. Among the health effects of hydrogen sulfide exposure are eye and respiratory irritation as well as nausea, dizziness, confusion and headache.
The concentration threshold for people to experience physical symptoms from hydrogen sulfide is about 5 to 10 parts per billion. But as recently as last Thursday, the EPA measured levels at 1,000 ppb. The highest levels of airborne hydrogen sulfide measured so far were on May 3, at 1,192 ppb.
Testing data also shows levels of volatile organic chemicals that far exceed Louisiana’s own ambient air standards. VOCs cause acute physical health symptoms including eye, skin and respiratory irritation as well as headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea and confusion.
Louisiana’s ambient air standard for the VOC benzene, for example, is 3.76 ppb, while its standard for methylene chloride is 61.25 ppb. Long-term exposure to airborne benzene has been linked to cancer, while the EPA considers methylene chloride a probable carcinogen.
Air testing results show VOC concentrations far above these state standards. On May 6, for example, the EPA measured VOCs at levels of 483 ppb. The highest levels detected to date were on April 30, at 3,084 ppb, following by May 2, at 3,416 ppb.
Here’s a chart based on the data from LEAN’s analysis, which was done by award-winning analytical chemist Wilma Subra:
Sue Sturgis
Today the Louisiana Environmental Action Network released its analysis of air monitoring test results by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA’s air testing data comes from Venice, a coastal community 75 miles south of New Orleans in Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish.
The findings show that levels of airborne chemicals have far exceeded state standards and what’s considered safe for human exposure.
For instance, hydrogen sulfide has been detected at concentrations more than 100 times greater than the level known to cause physical reactions in people. Among the health effects of hydrogen sulfide exposure are eye and respiratory irritation as well as nausea, dizziness, confusion and headache.
The concentration threshold for people to experience physical symptoms from hydrogen sulfide is about 5 to 10 parts per billion. But as recently as last Thursday, the EPA measured levels at 1,000 ppb. The highest levels of airborne hydrogen sulfide measured so far were on May 3, at 1,192 ppb.
Testing data also shows levels of volatile organic chemicals that far exceed Louisiana’s own ambient air standards. VOCs cause acute physical health symptoms including eye, skin and respiratory irritation as well as headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea and confusion.
Louisiana’s ambient air standard for the VOC benzene, for example, is 3.76 ppb, while its standard for methylene chloride is 61.25 ppb. Long-term exposure to airborne benzene has been linked to cancer, while the EPA considers methylene chloride a probable carcinogen.
Air testing results show VOC concentrations far above these state standards. On May 6, for example, the EPA measured VOCs at levels of 483 ppb. The highest levels detected to date were on April 30, at 3,084 ppb, following by May 2, at 3,416 ppb.
Here’s a chart based on the data from LEAN’s analysis, which was done by award-winning analytical chemist Wilma Subra:
Sue Sturgis
lunedì 21 giugno 2010
The oil spill could destroy humanity: the hour has come for us to take responsibility for our destiny
by Jane Burgermeister - Disaster follows disaster. The pandemic flu disaster, the banking and eurozone disaster, the oil spill disaster. And all these disasters have one thing in common.
They are being artificially engineered. They are being engineered for the profit of a small group.
We know who that group is. It is the Bilderberg corporate group.
We know that they met in secret in Spain once more in June. We know who belongs to their inner core; and we know, too, who are their hired hands: the corrupt government officials, the corrupt regulators, the corrupt editors of the corporate media and the corrupt leaders of our armies.
Of all the disasters to strike us, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could, however, be potentially be the most terrible, and we must act decisively, act without delay, and act in unity to stop it.
People across the globe must unite their efforts to stop this oil spill.
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could continue for four more years, the Bilderberg BP CEO Tony Hayward himself has admitted. The oil has already reached the Gulf Stream and could be distributed among all the oceans of the world through the interlinking currents of that stream. Already spotted close to the east coast of the USA, the oil will move over the Atlantic and could destroy the fishing and tourism of Europe.
The Gulf Stream is a global maritime current that will send the oil to all four corners of the globe. Everyone could be affected in the months to come whether they live in Africa or Australia or Asia or South America.
The oil pollution will prevent the proper surface evaporation of sea water for the formation of rain and so could affect the amount and distribution of rainfall across the entire world, threatening crops. In addition, the rain will be mixed with oil and serve as a vehicle for pollution.
There is no greater threat to humanity today than this Bilderberg group and their activities, specifically, the oil spill they created.
Wherever we see a major catastrophe and dig beyond the slogans of the mainstream media they control, we see evidence of this group at work. We see them at work in engineering September 9/11, 2001, to find an excuse for a war in Afghanistan and Iran to make profits from drugs and oil; and we see them at work right now as they try to engineer a world war three over Iran when even the CIA has said Iran has no nuclear weapons.
There will be no world war three.
We the people are sick and tired of the wars that cost us our blood and our freedom. We are sick and tired of the suffering being inflicted on millions, if not billions of people in the form of war, diseases and famine, by an organized crime group, and we will not tolerate any more.
Poll after poll shows that the people of Europe are as sick and tired of the Afghanistan war, fought for the profit of the Bilderberg cartel – as sick and tired as the people of the USA are of the fake war. We will not accept fake polls claiming we support a war in Iran. We do not support any such war.
We are sick and tired of the erosion of our freedoms under the pretext of having to deal with false flag terror emergencies, swine flu emergencies and war emergencies created by the Bilderbergs.
We are sick and tired of the assassination of honest politicians such as JF Kennedy and more recently, the Polish elite in an engineered plane crash in Smolensk.
And we are sick and tired of the lies of so much of the controlled corporate media.
We want our freedom back. We want true democracy. We want real accountability from the people in power and the officials in our government. We want the rule of law and order. We will no longer accept the corruption at every level of our government that is allowing all these disasters to happen.
If people 2000 years ago in ancient Greece enjoyed accountable and enlightened government, why can’t we?
It is becoming increasingly clear as the weeks pass that the Bilderberg international corporate crime syndicate has now set in motion in the Gulf of Mexico a series of events that could lead to the extinction of humanity in order to increase their short-term chance of hanging on to power as the world wakes up to their existence, to their activities and to their nature.
There is plenty of evidence that the oil spill in the Gulf was engineered by BP, Halliburton and Transocean. And yet no one from BP has been put in goal. Instead, Bilderberg President Barack Obama effectively shields BP from all responsibility, and also blocks any intervention to stop this disastrous flow of oil even though there are many methods to do so.
BP sends its private security guards to hinder access to the polluted beaches, even stopping the media. BP rules the USA, it seems. BP calls the shots. BP is the power behind the throne. BP commits any crime and we must foot the bill.
There mounting indications that BP will declare itself bankrupt when the time comes to pay the bills for the pollution and the destroyed businesses. The Bilderbergs will shift their money out of BP and to another entity.
We, the people, will have to pick up the bill for the oil spill and we will have to suffer the consequences of the destruction it causes, including possibly tsunamis.
When some billions of liters of oil have poured out from the gigantic reservoir five miles under the ocean, sea water will be sucked into the empty space by the pressure of the ocean on top. It will evaporate at the 400 degree temperatures of the surrounding rock , expand and could cause an explosion with sufficient force to rip apart the sea floor, and cause a tsunami large enough to be felt up to 200 miles inland.
In addition, an area with methane believed to be 15 to 20 miles in size is believed to be in the cavity. The highly explosive gas could blow up and cause more cracks on the sea floor, more tsunamis, more devastation.
There is plenty of evidence this oil spill is part of a long-term plan. Gerhard Wisnewski reports of the existence of a book written more than a hundred years ago that describes just such a scenario – an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – as triggering the destruction of the oceans of the world and the ecological basis of human kind’s survival.
This book was written in 1903 by a man called Gustav Meyrink, who was a member of the Theosophy circle, the esoteric group that is the ideological foundation of the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons and the Lodges, and that believes in the existence of a super race.
We reject the notion there is a genetically superior super race. If there is a super race, it is not them, not the Bilderberg s and not the Freemaons.
A super human being is, in our estimation, every human being who is spiritually evolved, who cares for their fellow human beings, who shows high ethical standards, insight into the universal laws and who does what is just no matter what the temptations of money and power might be. It is every human being who strives for enlightenment, spiritual understanding, and who struggles to live an authentic and creative life. It is every human being who is touched by the wonder of nature and who feels awe at the inherent greatness of human beings.
The Bilderbergs do not meet this standard. They are a parody of the super human being. They are the inverse of the super human being as conceived by philosophers such as Plato or described by the ancient cultures. They are amoral, nihilistic, deluded and ignorant about history, languages and culture. They display a narrow and superficial intellectualism without heart or soul or breadth of thinking.
They worship brute force, money and power. This is the same group of bankers and industrialists put the Nazis into power and their leader Adolf Hitler.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill started on 20th April, which is the date of Hitler’s birth.
This is another clue that they are at work.
We reject the idea that these Bilderbergs are the legitimate heirs of ancient civilization.
A study of the highest civilizations of the past, whether in ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt or even ancient Ireland, show they all shared a high respect for ethics and justice, an understanding of the interconnectedness of living beings and a recognition of the existence of a universal intelligence.
The Bilderbergs are the blind cave dwellers staring at shadows, so well described by Plato. They do not see the sun of truth. Their time is over and they do not recognise it.
The hour is now for people all over the world to unite against this group that has inflicted so much suffering on humanity.
We call on people in every country to set up protest groups, to make videos, to go to their local police stations and to their sheriff offices and demand the arrest of the Bilderbergs wherever they are, and, if necessary, to march themselves to make those arrests. Whether the internet functions or not is not material. We know who they are. We know where they live. We know what we must do.
It was not God’s plan that people should suffer in artificial wars, in artificial famines, in artificial vaccine holocausts, in artificial natural catastrophes such as this oil spill catastrophe.
We, the people, have a right given to live in a dignified way and we will fight for that right.
We call on everyone, whether you live in Ireland, in Germany, in Spain, in England, in the USA, in Africa, to mobilize to stop this oil spill as soon as possible and to put the people responsible into goal.
Enough is enough.
Jane Burgermeister
They are being artificially engineered. They are being engineered for the profit of a small group.
We know who that group is. It is the Bilderberg corporate group.
We know that they met in secret in Spain once more in June. We know who belongs to their inner core; and we know, too, who are their hired hands: the corrupt government officials, the corrupt regulators, the corrupt editors of the corporate media and the corrupt leaders of our armies.
Of all the disasters to strike us, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could, however, be potentially be the most terrible, and we must act decisively, act without delay, and act in unity to stop it.
People across the globe must unite their efforts to stop this oil spill.
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could continue for four more years, the Bilderberg BP CEO Tony Hayward himself has admitted. The oil has already reached the Gulf Stream and could be distributed among all the oceans of the world through the interlinking currents of that stream. Already spotted close to the east coast of the USA, the oil will move over the Atlantic and could destroy the fishing and tourism of Europe.
The Gulf Stream is a global maritime current that will send the oil to all four corners of the globe. Everyone could be affected in the months to come whether they live in Africa or Australia or Asia or South America.
The oil pollution will prevent the proper surface evaporation of sea water for the formation of rain and so could affect the amount and distribution of rainfall across the entire world, threatening crops. In addition, the rain will be mixed with oil and serve as a vehicle for pollution.
There is no greater threat to humanity today than this Bilderberg group and their activities, specifically, the oil spill they created.
Wherever we see a major catastrophe and dig beyond the slogans of the mainstream media they control, we see evidence of this group at work. We see them at work in engineering September 9/11, 2001, to find an excuse for a war in Afghanistan and Iran to make profits from drugs and oil; and we see them at work right now as they try to engineer a world war three over Iran when even the CIA has said Iran has no nuclear weapons.
There will be no world war three.
We the people are sick and tired of the wars that cost us our blood and our freedom. We are sick and tired of the suffering being inflicted on millions, if not billions of people in the form of war, diseases and famine, by an organized crime group, and we will not tolerate any more.
Poll after poll shows that the people of Europe are as sick and tired of the Afghanistan war, fought for the profit of the Bilderberg cartel – as sick and tired as the people of the USA are of the fake war. We will not accept fake polls claiming we support a war in Iran. We do not support any such war.
We are sick and tired of the erosion of our freedoms under the pretext of having to deal with false flag terror emergencies, swine flu emergencies and war emergencies created by the Bilderbergs.
We are sick and tired of the assassination of honest politicians such as JF Kennedy and more recently, the Polish elite in an engineered plane crash in Smolensk.
And we are sick and tired of the lies of so much of the controlled corporate media.
We want our freedom back. We want true democracy. We want real accountability from the people in power and the officials in our government. We want the rule of law and order. We will no longer accept the corruption at every level of our government that is allowing all these disasters to happen.
If people 2000 years ago in ancient Greece enjoyed accountable and enlightened government, why can’t we?
It is becoming increasingly clear as the weeks pass that the Bilderberg international corporate crime syndicate has now set in motion in the Gulf of Mexico a series of events that could lead to the extinction of humanity in order to increase their short-term chance of hanging on to power as the world wakes up to their existence, to their activities and to their nature.
There is plenty of evidence that the oil spill in the Gulf was engineered by BP, Halliburton and Transocean. And yet no one from BP has been put in goal. Instead, Bilderberg President Barack Obama effectively shields BP from all responsibility, and also blocks any intervention to stop this disastrous flow of oil even though there are many methods to do so.
BP sends its private security guards to hinder access to the polluted beaches, even stopping the media. BP rules the USA, it seems. BP calls the shots. BP is the power behind the throne. BP commits any crime and we must foot the bill.
There mounting indications that BP will declare itself bankrupt when the time comes to pay the bills for the pollution and the destroyed businesses. The Bilderbergs will shift their money out of BP and to another entity.
We, the people, will have to pick up the bill for the oil spill and we will have to suffer the consequences of the destruction it causes, including possibly tsunamis.
When some billions of liters of oil have poured out from the gigantic reservoir five miles under the ocean, sea water will be sucked into the empty space by the pressure of the ocean on top. It will evaporate at the 400 degree temperatures of the surrounding rock , expand and could cause an explosion with sufficient force to rip apart the sea floor, and cause a tsunami large enough to be felt up to 200 miles inland.
In addition, an area with methane believed to be 15 to 20 miles in size is believed to be in the cavity. The highly explosive gas could blow up and cause more cracks on the sea floor, more tsunamis, more devastation.
There is plenty of evidence this oil spill is part of a long-term plan. Gerhard Wisnewski reports of the existence of a book written more than a hundred years ago that describes just such a scenario – an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – as triggering the destruction of the oceans of the world and the ecological basis of human kind’s survival.
This book was written in 1903 by a man called Gustav Meyrink, who was a member of the Theosophy circle, the esoteric group that is the ideological foundation of the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons and the Lodges, and that believes in the existence of a super race.
We reject the notion there is a genetically superior super race. If there is a super race, it is not them, not the Bilderberg s and not the Freemaons.
A super human being is, in our estimation, every human being who is spiritually evolved, who cares for their fellow human beings, who shows high ethical standards, insight into the universal laws and who does what is just no matter what the temptations of money and power might be. It is every human being who strives for enlightenment, spiritual understanding, and who struggles to live an authentic and creative life. It is every human being who is touched by the wonder of nature and who feels awe at the inherent greatness of human beings.
The Bilderbergs do not meet this standard. They are a parody of the super human being. They are the inverse of the super human being as conceived by philosophers such as Plato or described by the ancient cultures. They are amoral, nihilistic, deluded and ignorant about history, languages and culture. They display a narrow and superficial intellectualism without heart or soul or breadth of thinking.
They worship brute force, money and power. This is the same group of bankers and industrialists put the Nazis into power and their leader Adolf Hitler.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill started on 20th April, which is the date of Hitler’s birth.
This is another clue that they are at work.
We reject the idea that these Bilderbergs are the legitimate heirs of ancient civilization.
A study of the highest civilizations of the past, whether in ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt or even ancient Ireland, show they all shared a high respect for ethics and justice, an understanding of the interconnectedness of living beings and a recognition of the existence of a universal intelligence.
The Bilderbergs are the blind cave dwellers staring at shadows, so well described by Plato. They do not see the sun of truth. Their time is over and they do not recognise it.
The hour is now for people all over the world to unite against this group that has inflicted so much suffering on humanity.
We call on people in every country to set up protest groups, to make videos, to go to their local police stations and to their sheriff offices and demand the arrest of the Bilderbergs wherever they are, and, if necessary, to march themselves to make those arrests. Whether the internet functions or not is not material. We know who they are. We know where they live. We know what we must do.
It was not God’s plan that people should suffer in artificial wars, in artificial famines, in artificial vaccine holocausts, in artificial natural catastrophes such as this oil spill catastrophe.
We, the people, have a right given to live in a dignified way and we will fight for that right.
We call on everyone, whether you live in Ireland, in Germany, in Spain, in England, in the USA, in Africa, to mobilize to stop this oil spill as soon as possible and to put the people responsible into goal.
Enough is enough.
Jane Burgermeister
lunedì 14 giugno 2010
Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order
I and many other writers have talked about the New World Order (NWO) but who are they and just how far will they go to achieve their goals? The answer to that question is they will go as far as they need to go to reach their objectives….if that entails killing thousands of people then so be it. The NWO are certainly satanic and they will create any amount of “False Flag” operations to justify a military outcome.
The list is endless……USS Liberty, USS Cole, US Embassy and Hotel in Kenya, failed attack in Somalia, Oklahoma bombing, numerous attempted High Jacking’s (including Detroit), current operations in Yemen, the fictitious Al Qaeda and the top of the list 9/11 which was a total conspiracy….one could also add to this the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more recently the man made Swine Flu!
Maybe you are shocked to read this as you would probably be also shocked to know that our countries are being taken over by these mad men. The term sovereignty has almost totally disappeared from our dictionary and replaced by this relatively small group of evil and greedy warmongers who seek to control the world and its natural resources.
I will leave the 9/11 conspiracy for the final part of this series and just focus on who are the NWO and what are their ambitions. Before moving on however we have to fully understand the historical attempt to bring about the NWO in the 1950’s. Many people today were not aware of this carefully orchestrated failed attempt that existed during the “Cold War” years. They started off with NATO and then added CENTO to cover the Middle Eastern Region and finally SEATO to cover Asia and the Far East To some extent you will see the resurrection of this same plan creeping back into our lives to this day and again that will be another article owing to its complexity.
We can see that these plans keep coming and going and it is only the intelligence of the people who manage to stop it or slow it down. I am sure that this is the case at the moment and that the NWO want to accelerate their programme but unfortunately they are now probably ten years or so behind their master plan. It is their intention to have all the respective populations living in a type of police state and becoming totally subservient to their respective governments.
They only want a few selected individuals to become educated to a very high level and the rest to be left by the wayside.
They want us to be totally dependent on the state both in the health and social sense and one day we may find ourselves walking around with a “Chip and Pin” planted under our skin as Aaron Russo once said. They do not believe in the family unit as this creates harmony and therefore they prefer single parents. They encourage the use of drugs and may even one day tax them. Basically the NWO want a population of “Zombies” who will do exactly what they want them to do. In order to better understand the workings of this terrible elite group, one should look at the interview with Aaron Russo before he died of lung cancer:
I would never have imagined that one day I would be talking about conspiracies and the New World Order. My life was full of the beauty of this world…nature…wildlife or just simply finding myself on a mountain, deep within a jungle or forest and listening to nothing but the sounds of nature. Sometimes we all have a purpose in life and that may come late when we are least expecting it. For me it was spending time in a remote part of Southern India, helping poor tribal people, from that moment I started this journey. What happened to me is beyond words but one thing I can say for sure is that once you start this journey you cannot stop.
There is not a day goes by without thinking how terrible it was to read a particle story and say to yourself how evil….but then you read more and more and the horrors just keep flowing out. One has to fully understand that there is no limit to the level of evil and killing people in mass is purely a routine for them. They openly declare the necessity to depopulate on a huge scale. We the public have to remain on guard and fully understand that the world has lost its direction and imagination and only we the people can stop the advancement of the NWO.
As I have already discussed in part 1 of this series they have already started their mass genocide with a concentrated programme in the Middle East. They have to date directly attacked the genetics of Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza with their extensive use of depleted and enriched uranium weapons and that has now extended on to Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The use of these weapons is totally indiscriminate and therefore the entire region is being contaminated by these radioactive aerosols. Most of the weapons are from the US and are used by all NATO partners as well as the Israeli IDF (who are also manufacturing their own). I am amazed that the entire Arab League just watch this happen and say nothing, even though they themselves are also at the receiving end and will eventually succumb to its toxicity. Needless to say the people of Israel are now victim to their own weapons.
So who are these people who inflict these terrible crimes against humankind? They are the same group of people that were behind the planned collapse of the world’s financial markets? They are the same group of people who intentionally caused the collapse of major banks and businesses so that when the dust had settled they could walk amongst the carcasses of dead companies and snap up a good deal. They are the same group that took all the tax payers money and within a year were operating again with massive profits. They basically cleared their debt, the governments got their money back but as usual the poor taxpayers never get theirs back but rather end up paying a very big IOU for the next 5 – 10 years……sound familiar?
The New World Order includes many of the world’s wealthiest people, the British Crown, top political leaders, and the corporate elite. They aim to create a fascist type one world government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to completely control every human being and at the same time reduce the world’s population by around 5.5 billion people. Some say the early days of the NWO in the US may have started on Jekyll Island, Georgia, when back in 1910 some of the elite gathered to talk about the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank So who are the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this evil satanic NWO web?
The Illuminati is at the top of the pyramid which is an ancient bloodline of extremely rich families that make up the core of the “New World Order.” Their purpose to create A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent control of self elected members from their own numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.
Behind this vast web of the wealthy elite is a programmed army who basically form part of a huge mind control programme that has the ability to interact via the mother to an unborn child……I realize that this may sound totally way out to many readers but if you take the time to research yourself then you can draw up your own conclusions. Some of these mind control programmes have a name such as Monarch and MK Ultra. Most governments have a very carefully scripted propaganda designed to obtain a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are taken on a regular basis with the intent of finding out the public’s acceptance of this Illuminati’s planned programme. A strong showing in the polls tells the Illuminati that the programme is working or a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators that they have to do more work on the programme in order to get the desired response.
A “False Flag” operation such as 9/11 or the so called attempted airline bomb in Detroit is typically a way of not only spreading panic amongst the population but also a way of taking an action that basically needs a justification. Any “False Flag” operation or conflict is drawn out onto the world stage by the controlled media who show use photos and video reports of horrific and bloody atrocities suffered by innocent civilians. This has the desired response when the public cry out that something has to be done.
The governments then step up their next phase into bringing in more controlled security measures that basically and slowly converts the country into a police state. Please understand that the word “Terrorism” or “The Axis of Evil” forms part of their vocabulary but in the real sense does not truly exist. One has to understand that the “Axis of Evil” is the NWO.
The 9/11 conspiracy was a typical case of justification that then allowed the NWO to start implementing its plans to take over the natural resources of a country whilst at the same time spreading radiation aerosols amongst its population to attack the very DNA of its residents. The War in Afghanistan served two purposes it allowed the NWO to take control of the security of the Opium trade and also to facilitate the TAPI pipeline to run through the Southern heart of Afghanistan and onwards to the very lucrative oil/gas markets of Pakistan, India and possibly China.
I was happy to see that despite the extremely strong briefs carried out by the US in Pakistan and India, not to go for the Iranian pipeline (IPI), common sense prevailed and now Pakistan and India will take the pipeline from Iran. This has enraged the US who desperately needed this market for their own imperialistic greed. One can clearly see that the war in Afghanistan is not going completely the way the NWO had wanted and now only leaves them with the opium (which is still extremely lucrative) and is the backbone of the NWO.
We can now see an accelerated programme spear headed by the US, UK, France, Germany and Israel to carry out an attack on Iran at the earliest possible opportunity. The truth is that in a way they are a little scared as to who will initiate this attack as it is distinctly possible that Iran already has a nuke (compliments of the missing nukes that the US and UK lost some years ago). That terrible mistake involved the US and UK Government’s undermining the United Nations in hiding the fact that South Africa had made 10 ready to use Battlefield Bombs (all under the radar). The assassination of dear Dr. David Kelly forms part of this story which we can include in another article.
This terrible mistake cost millions of lives and involved David Cameron, along with two buddies (whom we will just refer too as KW (Now a Knight) and DW). The trio between them earned the Conservative Party (under Thatcher), a huge backhander to the tune of 17.8 million pounds, needless to say the illustrious Mark Thatcher (Maggie’s son) was also involved.
One should also add to this the knowledge and secrets that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown shared on this topic. Tony Blair also received one million pounds from a well known Formula One promoter. We can now start to understand that the Iraq Inquiry was an absolute farce and allowed both to walk away with the arrogance one would expect from members of the New World Order.
Sorry, I drifted off the topic a little there so now to get back on track and see who else forms part of this NWO? International bankers and the big pharmaceutical companies as well as other major multinational corporations are the backbone of the establishment as are the Royal Family of England (House of Windsor) who are high level players in the Illuminati. Geographically the City of London), Basel Switzerland, and Brussels (NATO headquarters) are at its heart.
The United Nations, along with all the agencies working under the UN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), are full time players in this scheme. Similarly, NATO is a military tool of the NWO.
The leaders of all major industrial countries like the United States, England, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand (members of the “G7/G8”) are all part of the bigger picture. The Illuminati are responsible for certain hand-picked individuals, who are then groomed and selected as Prime Ministers or Presidents.
To finish off Part 2 we can also add the names of some of those involved in the NWO who control Wall Street and the City of London:
US Federal Reserve, Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House London), Rockefeller and Rothschild families and the Bilderberg Group. One can then look at the very powerful Freemasons movement, AIPAC, Christian Zionist and Jewish Zionist the list is endless. We must not forget such evil people as Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bremer, Bolton, Rice and Wolfowitz to name a few who all played their part in the NWO.
In Part 3 we will look at the situation in the UK whereby the manipulation by the NWO under the control of Gordon Brown is clearly eating away at the very foundation of the British Constitution. If you think the other parties are any better, be warned, they also have members linked to the above. There are a group of defenders who work tirelessly on the sedition and treason being carried out by the UK government. Indications show that this started back in 1972 with the government of the day signing the EC Act under the control of Prime Minister Edward Heath.
Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 7/4/2010
mercoledì 2 giugno 2010
Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1 The link to the New World Order
This heading may appear alarming to some people but is there a hidden master plan? Is it possible that some aspects of this has already started and if so how and who is involved. We hear so many times of the so called “New World Order and the “Illuminati” but does it actually exist? What ever you want to call this elite organisation one can say with some certainty that it does certainly exist. I also find it incredible that this relatively small group can change the course of history and we the millions may have no power to stop it.
So where does this start and who is involved? In my opinion mass depopulation is already well underway with the use of weapons containing uranium components. It all started back in the Balkans and has progressively worked its way via Kuwait – Iraq – Afghanistan – Lebanon – Gaza – Pakistan and soon Yemen and Somalia.
But let’s turn back the clock and see when the aggressive use of “Dirty Weapons” really started. As I said previously the war in Balkans was the initial testing grounds for these weapons but something significant had to happen to allow the New World Order to move forward. Obviously 9/11 kick started a series of events that has now become part of the “New World Orders Master Plan. In my opinion 9/11 was a total conspiracy and a very carefully planned Mossad operation, with of course the full support of certain figures within the US and elsewhere. I will cover this conspiracy in more details later on in the series.
Doesn’t it appear strange that some of the most powerful people in the world are members of the Freemasons and yet I feel that there are others much further up the ladder that pull the strings of these puppets. The ones at the top of the pyramid are the supper rich elite who control the finances of the world and thus have control of the world. You may be surprised to learn who some of these key players are and what this means to the majority of us who live on this planet. I will cover this aspect in another part.
So this “False Flag Conspiracy” called 9/11 gave these evil satanic minded people the justification to go to war whilst at the same time allowed them to spread fear into the hearts and minds of their respective populations. Perhaps, you the public are not totally convinced that 9/11 was a conspiracy, hopefully before the end of this series you will be!
Whilst talking about 9/11 as to who did what or how such a huge structure managed to collapse like a pack of card, let’s just ask the question why have so many emergency teams became acutely sick and may succumb to cancer? Besides the controlled explosions that took place what could cause this ever increasing list of casualties and why is the US Government moving so fast to keep this out of court? Could it be that depleted uranium also became part of this scenario?
A fund has been raised by the Federal Reserve for between 10,000 – 70,000 workers who will be offered a share in the $657 million payout. The deal however does come with an ultimatum that no one takes out a lawsuit. One should also ask the question, how many more people in the New York area have become victims of 9/11?
So to move on, you may ask the question who would want to depopulate in mass and how is it possible to do this without we the people knowing it is taking place? How could this be achieved over a period of time? Has this process already started and when did it start?
To find the answers we have to go back to the original nuclear tests that were carried out at Los Alamos. It must be clearly understand that back in 1943 nuclear experts were discussing the advantages of using fine dust as a weapon. One such document was issued on the 30th of October 1943 which quoted “ It is recommended that a decision be obtained from competent authority authorizing additional work pertaining to the use of radioactive materials in order that this country may be ready to use such materials or be ready to defend itself against the use of such materials”. This same document contained information as follows:
2 As a gas warfare instrument the material would be ground into particles of microscopic size to form dust and smoke and distributed by a ground-fired projectile, land vehicles, or aerial bombs. In this form it would be inhaled by personnel. The amount necessary to cause death to a person inhaling the material is extremely small. It has been estimated that one millionth of a gram accumulating in a person’s body would be fatal. There are no known methods of treatment for such a casualty.
Two factors appear to increase the effectiveness of radioactive dust or smoke as a weapon. These are: (1) It cannot be detected by the senses; (2) It can be distributed in a dust or smoke form so finely powdered that it will permeate a standard gas mask filter in quantities large enough to be extremely damaging. This document gave the background to today’s weapons that are not only highly effective in there ability to penetration deep into the target but also the pyrophoric qualities of this product allows it to ignite spontaneously and create a huge cloud of fine DU dust that becomes a lethal airborne aerosol.
The documents relating to the above are held by the Palestine Telegraph and the header of the original memorandum is shown here to prove its authenticity:
Although in more modern times we give reference to its usage in the Balkans the experimental side of using Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons actually stemmed back to the war between Israel and Egypt (Yom Kippur War) in October 1973. The US gave Israel new weapons that contained DU and also sent over their own specialist to train the IDF in the usage of such weapons. Unknown to the IDF at the time this was the start of what would become a progressive contamination of the many areas of conflict and the world.
Coming back to the late 1900’s we can now see the dramatic changes that have taken place in the Balkans with extremely high level of cancer and other symptoms that directly relate to the weapons used containing uranium components. Small villages and towns are running out of burial space as the toll continues to climb.
Iraq is another classic case of a country that has had it genetics possibly altered forever and in some locations the women are now being asked not to have children. But the problem does not remain there. It is on going with dramatic increases in many forms of cancers, diabetes, mental disorders, infertility etc. One could see a dramatic decline in the population of Iraq within a reasonable time frame.
Afghanistan is another major problem area where contamination is manifesting itself on a much larger scale owing to the excessive usage of uranium based weapons. They are currently encountering the same birth defects we have seen in Iraq and it will only be a matter of time before they also are asked not to have children in certain areas. The main problem is that the half life of Depleted Uranium for example is 4.5 billion years and so it is passed down the line from sibling to sibling.
Now we can turn to Gaza, the latest victim of US and IDF dirty weaponry. The IDF used a vast array of weapons with heavy usage of weapons that contained both DU/EU components. This was both before, during and after “Cast Lead.” Birth defects are increasing in Gaza to almost double that of the previous year. Gaza’s Health Minister, Dr Bassem Naim, said the study of the biological samples proved that the Israelis used internationally prohibited weapons against the Palestinians. He warned that the large percentage of toxic uranium in the territory would pose a real threat to future generations.
So what do these evil planners have in mind for the residents of planet Earth? How could this be carried out and who would be the chosen few? It is obvious that the first victims in the current stand off would be Israel and Iran who would form part of the initial stages of their plan. The US encourages conflict between the two and really would prefer Israel to carry out the first strike. Israel would then basically become the sacrificial lamb by launching an attack on Iran (with the assistance of the US). This action would then cause Iran to carry out a reprisal attack, not only on Israel but also possibly on other US Military/Civilian targets in the Middle East, such as Bahrain.
Within a very short period of time the US would then counter attack on a massive scale and very carefully bring NATO onboard (an attack on one is an attack on all) setting the Middle East on fire. One would expect the use of Nuclear Weapons or certainly weapons that have uranium components on a scale not seen before in the Middle East. This would be a contained Nuclear War confined to the Middle East only. However, the radiation fall out from such an event would be catastrophic to the populations of the entire Middle East, including Israel itself and the world beyond. One would assume that China would eventually intervene and back Iran and even possibly Russia which could turn this regional war into a full scale WW3.
Whatever the final outcome it is clear that the genetics of the entire Middle East would fall victim to depleted uranium and we could expect to see a dramatic rise in many forms of cancer, diabetes, infertility, birth deformities and deaths.
There would remain one big problem for the US and the West and that is the question of China and Russia and what new alliances would be formed. China is becoming a formidable super power with a sound economic infrastructure. In actual fact the investment rate by China is extremely impressive with major shares in the US and Western Economies. The potential rise of China into becoming the next super power must send shock waves throughout the US.
As we have already seen during the Chemical and Biological Warfare trials in Rhodesia and then down in South Africa it is possible for these evil satanic people (The New World Order) to design a weapon or introduce some form of Chemical or Biological means of eliminating an entire race. In South Africa they designed the “Black on Bomb” which was intended to stop blacks from having children. With all the current and past technology one could see the US/West promoting something that would target the DNA of only those of Chinese descent. Alternatively they may introduce a virus that would have devastating consequences on such a densely populated country as China.
There is still a distinct lack of trust between the US – Russian and China and one can understand why when the US continues to establish its missile defence systems to what it says is to protect itself from any Iranian attack when it is clearly a defence system against Russia. It is evident that the cold war has never finished. Add to this the struggle by both parties to secure and dominate vital energy markets and one can see that no change is on the horizon.
Whatever the plan you can be rest assured (for those that remain) it will be a world of total subservience to our respective governments. One can clearly see a trend that would allow each country to become a police state with almost every government, local government and there respective partnerships having the ability to monitor and control you. Parking inspectors, rangers and more of those cardboard policemen, Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) for instance, would be given greater power with added extensive CCTV coverage to keep you in check.
The New World Order would only allow selected people to receive advanced education leaving the rest to remain uneducated and therefore unable to fight the system. Many would remain unemployable and everyone would be totally dependent on the state for health care and survival. The New World Order would encourage the splitting up of the family unit, thus breaking down a sound social system. It would encourage the use of drugs and alcohol and in allowing this to happen would make us all a population of zombies who would not dare challenge the system and who would do everything that is asked of them.
What makes this whole situation frightening is the fact that the US lost at least three nuclear weapons and the UK lost another three. One would ask the question how is this possible. The answer is very easy….when you obtain such weapons under the table you are not in a position to totally secure them or advertise the fact that you have lost them……they basically do not exist.
I guess you would now ask the question…..”I have heard this story before…how can it possibly be true”? The answer is simple: For every deal there has to be witnesses and middlemen, there has to be those who put in a tender for the movement of such weapons, how to move them, people who become signatory to the deal and someone has to be ultimately responsible for making sure they are safe to transfer, inspected pre departure and inspected prior to releasing the final payment upon delivery etc.
As one can imagine no government is going to openly declare that due to their neglect nuclear weapons went missing. One could also clearly see that to this day the US, UK and Israeli Government are still frantically trying to locate them. Israel alone would be in the forefront of this search knowing that many countries are now against them. I guess one would also assume that if the people in the US knew the truth behind 9/11 they also could become an enemy to Israel. In the same way if they knew that the attack on the USS Liberty was an intentional act of aggression by Israel on a US Military vessel it would certainly cause a rift in US – Israel relations.
The problem here is that so many turmoil’s and false flags are planned by so many different agencies and authorities simultaneously. You have the New World Order who are basically capitalist at the highest level with what some people say are connected to a much higher group called the Illuminati (Jesuits). The elite are then connected down the line with Freemasons, Christian Zionist and Jewish Zionist. Many of these groups have the same initial goal but with a totally different view point on the final outcome. Another issue that has come to light is the fact that many of the Jewish communities living in such places as the US, UK and Australia, who appear to be good citizens of their host country (by swearing allegiance), are in actual fact very much attached to Israel in a powerful nationalistic way i.e. they would rather go and serve their time in the IDF than join the military of the country where they live.
What appears to be the major cause of many conflicts is the insecurity that Israel feels with those that live around them. If at any stage Israel feels threatened by any country in the region they and their lobby groups immediately embark on a campaign to take some sort of action or wage war. The sheer size of their military alone is beyond normal comprehension. One could certainly see why Israel would want to create a false flag in order to justify an action. They currently have operatives in Somalia and Yemen and one would hate to imagine what they have up their sleeve. Lets not forget the Israeli airstrikes that were carried out in Sudan last year in direct breach of sovereignty……but I guess they are a rule unto themselves anyway.
One can also see amongst this complicated array of manipulators an extremely powerful Pro Israeli Lobby Groups who offer vast sums of money to potential political candidates or parties in return for the indirect manipulation of a countries policy that favours Israel. The top of the list must surely be The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in the US. These powerful groups almost have the ability to write bills for Congress. They also have the power to squash anything that the Israelis could consider as being against their best interests or that could do damage to their country. On example of this being the Goldstone Report which is now in the balance as a direct result of AIPAC interference and their influence in Congress. The power they wield via the members that they have funded or continue to fund makes them an extremely powerful and dangerous group. They are also supported by the US Friends of Israel, EU Friends of Israel, Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats Friends of Israel in the UK. How can one say with sincerity that any political party is truly representative of its people?
One final point before closing Part 1 is the fact that we have a United Nations that basically has no strength whatsoever, despite the number of nations that created it… is a tool by which it’s Security Council decides the fate of any nation. For some time now this Security Council appears to have another member who does not qualify to sit at the table of the elite and yet is consulted on all matters…. That country is Germany.
We started to see this involvement when Obama, Brown and Sarkosy last met in the US and handed out some pretty strong words to Iran…..I refer to this group as the G3.5. Today we see Brown and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s agreeing on sanctions against Iran……can one believe the audacity and arrogance of these people forming alliances and making decisions outside of the United Nations. It becomes clear that the New World Order is showing its fangs and when the time comes it will tell the UN what they had already pre decided……interesting hey?
The next part will look at the New World Order in more detail.
Peter Eyre
martedì 1 giugno 2010
Embarrassed Israel spreads disinformation, lies, to justify flotilla massacre | |
By Khalid Amayreh in East Jerusalem
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