giovedì 29 luglio 2010
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Turning Men Into Women
There is an enormous change undergoing thatcan affect men’s performance, fertility, and virility, essentially their manhood.
More and more men are exhibiting signs of developing male “breasts,” fatty tissue that develops over the pectoral muscles. They gain weight, lose their libido, even have trouble getting their partners pregnant.
In women, endocrine disruptors cause weight gain and are linked to a wide range of health issues.
These endocrine disruptors are all around us and wide spread. They can be found in pesticides, clothing, plastics, cosmetics, detergents, hair sprays, even our foods and water supplies.
They bind to body’s estrogen receptors and and activate hormonal responses that are feminizing for men and harmful for women.
The most widespread endocrine disruptor is known as Bisphenol-A. It is found every where, for instance in plastics, food and drink, packaged foods, water and infant bottles, compact discs, impact-resistance safty equipments, Epoxy raisins used as lacquers to coat metal products, such as food cans, bottle tops and water supply pipes also contain it. Some dental sealants and composites; and grocery store receipts may also contribute to BPA exposure.
The trouble is that very little research is done to find the long term effects of these compounds on humans. However, numerous studies have shown that low-level continuous exposure to BPA can be harmful to health.
Furthermore, the latest research to hit the news relates to the fact that BPA appears Strongly Linked To Heart Disease.
In fact, one study have shown three times risk of heart disease plus two-and-a-half times risk of Diabete to high BPA levels.
Unfortunately, the risk extends far beyond heart disease and diabetes. Various studies have Linked BPA Exposure to conditions including cancer, Alzheimer’s, down syndrome, obesity, and developmental and reproductive abnormalities.
To limit your exposure to endocrine disruptors, take the following precautions:
* eliminate pesticides from water. Drink only purified water
* cut off any visible fat from the meat before cooking, since chemicals, hormones from the
feed collect in the fat. Also fat is prone to affliction of bacteria
* thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetaables before you eat
* avoid processed meats, because they have ground in
* avoid processed carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, and cereals. They make your body
release excess insulin which builds fat and activate femenizing estrogen
* keep your bowl movement regular by eating vegetables and fruits high in fiber. Take
salba. When stool remains in your bowl for a longer time, more estrogen is absorbed.
* take more cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels’s sprouts, and
cabbage. They help excrete excess estrogen.
* take hormone-free food and free range poultry whenever possible
* use more estrogen-inhibiting foods, such as squash, onions, green beans, cabbage,
berries, citrus, pineapples, pears, figs, melons, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
continue reading
mercoledì 28 luglio 2010
CIA, Mossad and Soros behind Wikileaks
WMR has learned from Asian intelligence sources that there is a strong belief in some Asian countries, particularly China and Thailand, that the website Wikileaks, which purports to publish classified and sensitive documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers, is linked to U.S. cyber-warfare and computer espionage operations, as well as to Mossad’s own cyber-warfare activities. Wikileaks claims to have decrypted video footage of a U.S. Predator air strike on civilians in Afghanistan and that covert U.S. State Department agents followed Wikileaks’s editor from Iceland to Norway in a surveillance operation conducted jointly by the United States and Iceland. Iceland’s financially-strapped government recently announced a policy of becoming a haven for websites that fear political oppression and censorship in their home countries. However, in the case of Wikileaks, countries like China and Thailand are suspicious of the websites’ actual “ownership.”
Wikileaks says it intends to show its video at an April 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC but that its presenters may be detained or arrested before that time. WMR’s sources believe the Wikileaks “militancy” in the face of supposed surveillance appears fake.
Our Asian intelligence sources report the following: “Wikileaks is running a disinformation campaign, crying persecution by U.S. intelligence- when it is U.S. intelligence itself. Its [Wikileaks'] activities in Iceland are totally suspect.” Wikileaks claims it is the victim of a new COINTELPRO [Counter Intelligence Program] operation directed by the Pentagon and various U.S. intelligence agencies. WMR’s sources believe that it is Wikileaks that is part and parcel of a cyber-COINTELPRO campaign, such as that proposed by President Obama’s “information czar,” Dr. Cass Sunstein.
In January 2007, John Young, who runs Cryptome, a site that publishes a wealth of sensitive and classified information, left Wikileaks, claiming the operation was a CIA front. Young also published some 150 email messages sent by Wikileaks activists on cryptome. They include a disparaging comment about this editor by Wikileaks co-founder Dr. Julian Assange of Australia. Assange lists as one of his professions “hacker.” His German co-founder of Wikileaks uses a pseudonym, “Daniel Schmitt.”
Wikileaks claims it is “a multi-jurisdictional organization to protect internal dissidents, whistleblowers, journalists and bloggers who face legal or other threats related to publishing” [whose] primary interest is in exposing oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but we are of assistance to people of all nations who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their governments and corporations. We aim for maximum political impact. We have received over 1.2 million documents so far from dissident communities and anonymous sources.”
In China, Wikileaks is suspected of having Mossad connections. It is pointed out that its first “leak” was from an Al Shabbab “insider” in Somalia. Al Shabbab is the Muslim insurgent group that the neocons have linked to “Al Qaeda.”
Asian intelligence sources also point out that Assange’s “PhD” is from Moffett University, an on-line diploma mill and that while he is said to hail from Nairobi, Kenya, he actually in from Australia where his exploits have included computer hacking and software piracy.
WMR has confirmed Young’s contention that Wikileaks is a CIA front operation. Wikileaks is intimately involved in a $20 million CIA operation that U.S.-based Chinese dissidents that hack into computers in China. Some of the Chinese hackers route special hacking program through Chinese computers that then target U.S. government and military computer systems. After this hacking is accomplished, the U.S. government announces through friendly media outlets that U.S. computers have been subjected to a Chinese cyber-attack. The “threat” increases an already-bloated cyber-defense and offense budget and plays into the fears of the American public and businesses that heavily rely on information technology.
It is also pointed out that on Wikileaks advisory board is Ben Laurie, a one-time programmer and Internet security expert for Google, which recently signed a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and has been charged by China with being part of a U.S. cyber-espionage campaign against China. Other Wikileaks advisory members are leading Chinese dissidents, including Wan Dan, who won the 1998 National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Democracy Award; Wang Youcai, founder of the Chinese Democracy Party; Xiao Qiang, the director of the China Internet Project at the University of California at Berkeley, member of the advisory board of the International Campaign for Tibet, and commentator on the George Soros-affiliated Radio Free Asia; and Tibetan exile and activist Tashi Namgyal Khamsitsang.
Our sources in Asia believe that Wikileaks ran afoul of their CIA paymasters after it was discovered that some of Wikileaks’s “take” was being diverted to Mossad instead of to their benefactors at Langley. After a CIA cur-off in funding, “Daniel Schmitt” took over and moved the Wikileaks operation to Belgium and Sweden with hopes of making a more secure base in Iceland.
There are strong suspicions that Wikileaks is yet another Soros-funded “false flag” operation on the left side of the political spectrum. WMR has learned that after former Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) decided to oppose Soros’s choice of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s deputy Mark Malloch Brown as President of the World Bank, succeeding the disgraced Paul Wolfowitz, Soros put the Wikileaks operation into high gear. “Daniel Schmitt” hacked into Coleman’s supporters list, stealing credit card info, addresses, and publishing the “take” on Wikileaks. Democrat Al Franken, who was strongly backed by Soros, defeated Coleman in a legally-contested and very close election.
It is also believed by informed sources that Soros is behind the operation to move Wikileaks to Iceland. By becoming a power in Iceland, Soros can prevent Icelanders from paying back the British and Dutch investors in Icelandic online Ponzi scheme banking and continue his all-out war against British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who has, in turn, targeted Soros for betting against pound sterling.
Iceland is classic prey for Soros. The Icelandic krona has been decimated as a currency and has no where to go but up in value, especially if the British pound and the euro depreciate. Soros is currently talking down the euro, planning its fall and shorting it, just like he did versus the pound in London in the 1980s. After the UK’s and Europe’s currencies are devalued, Soros will buy every Euro note in sight, thus making trillions.
Soros and his Wikileaks friends have in Iceland a practically unregulated banking system desperate for an influx of capital — money that will come from the exiled Russian tycoons in Israel, London and the United States. Israeli investors like Bank Leumi, and awash in siphoned-off Bernard Madoff cash, will do their bit for this smash-and-grab operation by Soros’s Quantum-linked hedge funds.
With Wikileaks firmly ensconced in Iceland, the “brave” and much-heralded information leakers will run an international blackmail operation against Soros’s foes and launch computer break-ins against Soros’s business rivals and non-Quantum banks. Wikileaks will be used as the info-hitmen against President Obama’s and Rahm Emanuel’s enemies in the 2012 re-election campaign.
From Iceland, Soros will be well-positioned to gain control over the massive mineral resources under the melting ice sheet of Greenland. Under the ice are the only major rare-earth deposits outside of China and with such minerals at his disposal, Soros can control the world’s electronics industries. This past week’s volcanic activity in Iceland could, however, disrupt or destroy Soros’s plans to establish and control a North American-European gateway in Iceland.
The following are some of the emails Young revealed in his exposure of Wikileaks’s CIA connections (as well as to the Russian “phishing” Mafia, an operation run by Russian-Israeli Jews using Israel as a base)
[Note: in the second email, "JYA" is a reference to John Young Associates]:
To: John Young
From: Wikileaks
Subject: martha stuart pgp
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 12:20:25 -0500
Version: None
J. We are going to fuck them all. Chinese mostly, but not entirely a feint. Invention abounds. Lies, twists and distorts everywhere needed for protection. Hackers monitor Chinese and other intel as they burrow into their targets, when they pull, so do we.
Inxhaustible supply of material. Near 100,000 documents/emails a day. We’re going to crack the world open and let it flower into something new. If fleecing the CIA will assist us, then fleece we will. We have pullbacks from NED, CFR, Freedomhouse and other CIA teats. We have all of pre 2005 afghanistan. Almost all of india fed. Half a dozen foreign ministries. Dozens of political parties and consulates, worldbank, apec, UN sections, trade groups, tibet and fulan dafa associations and… russian phishing mafia who pull data everywhere. We’re drowing. We don’t even know a tenth of what we have or who it belongs to. We stopped storing it at 1Tb.
From: Julian Assange
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 13:40:14 +0000
To: funtimesahead[a t]
Subject: [WL] cryptome disclosure
[This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.]
No idea what JYA was saying!
It’s clear to me however, that he was not trying to protect people’s identities with his xxxxx’ing, but rather trying to increase the sexiness of the document. Perhaps he feels WL is a threat to the central status mechanism in his life? I think he just likes the controversy.
He may have done us a great favor. There’s a lot of movement in that document. It’s a little anarchist, but I think it generally reads well and sounds like people doing something they care about.
Btw, I suggest we be careful with Wayne Madsen too. He seems to be another case of someone who was fantastic a few years ago, but recently has started to see conspiracies everywhere. Both cases possibly age related.
I am not spending any more thought on it. Next week is going to be busy. The weeks earlier stories will be already done and that’ll set the agenda for the rest of the week, not jya’s attention seeker.
I’m willing to handle calls for .au, although my background may make S a better bet.
By: Wayne Madsen
Wikileaks says it intends to show its video at an April 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC but that its presenters may be detained or arrested before that time. WMR’s sources believe the Wikileaks “militancy” in the face of supposed surveillance appears fake.
Our Asian intelligence sources report the following: “Wikileaks is running a disinformation campaign, crying persecution by U.S. intelligence- when it is U.S. intelligence itself. Its [Wikileaks'] activities in Iceland are totally suspect.” Wikileaks claims it is the victim of a new COINTELPRO [Counter Intelligence Program] operation directed by the Pentagon and various U.S. intelligence agencies. WMR’s sources believe that it is Wikileaks that is part and parcel of a cyber-COINTELPRO campaign, such as that proposed by President Obama’s “information czar,” Dr. Cass Sunstein.
In January 2007, John Young, who runs Cryptome, a site that publishes a wealth of sensitive and classified information, left Wikileaks, claiming the operation was a CIA front. Young also published some 150 email messages sent by Wikileaks activists on cryptome. They include a disparaging comment about this editor by Wikileaks co-founder Dr. Julian Assange of Australia. Assange lists as one of his professions “hacker.” His German co-founder of Wikileaks uses a pseudonym, “Daniel Schmitt.”
Wikileaks claims it is “a multi-jurisdictional organization to protect internal dissidents, whistleblowers, journalists and bloggers who face legal or other threats related to publishing” [whose] primary interest is in exposing oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but we are of assistance to people of all nations who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their governments and corporations. We aim for maximum political impact. We have received over 1.2 million documents so far from dissident communities and anonymous sources.”
In China, Wikileaks is suspected of having Mossad connections. It is pointed out that its first “leak” was from an Al Shabbab “insider” in Somalia. Al Shabbab is the Muslim insurgent group that the neocons have linked to “Al Qaeda.”
Asian intelligence sources also point out that Assange’s “PhD” is from Moffett University, an on-line diploma mill and that while he is said to hail from Nairobi, Kenya, he actually in from Australia where his exploits have included computer hacking and software piracy.
WMR has confirmed Young’s contention that Wikileaks is a CIA front operation. Wikileaks is intimately involved in a $20 million CIA operation that U.S.-based Chinese dissidents that hack into computers in China. Some of the Chinese hackers route special hacking program through Chinese computers that then target U.S. government and military computer systems. After this hacking is accomplished, the U.S. government announces through friendly media outlets that U.S. computers have been subjected to a Chinese cyber-attack. The “threat” increases an already-bloated cyber-defense and offense budget and plays into the fears of the American public and businesses that heavily rely on information technology.
It is also pointed out that on Wikileaks advisory board is Ben Laurie, a one-time programmer and Internet security expert for Google, which recently signed a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and has been charged by China with being part of a U.S. cyber-espionage campaign against China. Other Wikileaks advisory members are leading Chinese dissidents, including Wan Dan, who won the 1998 National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Democracy Award; Wang Youcai, founder of the Chinese Democracy Party; Xiao Qiang, the director of the China Internet Project at the University of California at Berkeley, member of the advisory board of the International Campaign for Tibet, and commentator on the George Soros-affiliated Radio Free Asia; and Tibetan exile and activist Tashi Namgyal Khamsitsang.
Our sources in Asia believe that Wikileaks ran afoul of their CIA paymasters after it was discovered that some of Wikileaks’s “take” was being diverted to Mossad instead of to their benefactors at Langley. After a CIA cur-off in funding, “Daniel Schmitt” took over and moved the Wikileaks operation to Belgium and Sweden with hopes of making a more secure base in Iceland.
There are strong suspicions that Wikileaks is yet another Soros-funded “false flag” operation on the left side of the political spectrum. WMR has learned that after former Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) decided to oppose Soros’s choice of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s deputy Mark Malloch Brown as President of the World Bank, succeeding the disgraced Paul Wolfowitz, Soros put the Wikileaks operation into high gear. “Daniel Schmitt” hacked into Coleman’s supporters list, stealing credit card info, addresses, and publishing the “take” on Wikileaks. Democrat Al Franken, who was strongly backed by Soros, defeated Coleman in a legally-contested and very close election.
It is also believed by informed sources that Soros is behind the operation to move Wikileaks to Iceland. By becoming a power in Iceland, Soros can prevent Icelanders from paying back the British and Dutch investors in Icelandic online Ponzi scheme banking and continue his all-out war against British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who has, in turn, targeted Soros for betting against pound sterling.
Iceland is classic prey for Soros. The Icelandic krona has been decimated as a currency and has no where to go but up in value, especially if the British pound and the euro depreciate. Soros is currently talking down the euro, planning its fall and shorting it, just like he did versus the pound in London in the 1980s. After the UK’s and Europe’s currencies are devalued, Soros will buy every Euro note in sight, thus making trillions.
Soros and his Wikileaks friends have in Iceland a practically unregulated banking system desperate for an influx of capital — money that will come from the exiled Russian tycoons in Israel, London and the United States. Israeli investors like Bank Leumi, and awash in siphoned-off Bernard Madoff cash, will do their bit for this smash-and-grab operation by Soros’s Quantum-linked hedge funds.
With Wikileaks firmly ensconced in Iceland, the “brave” and much-heralded information leakers will run an international blackmail operation against Soros’s foes and launch computer break-ins against Soros’s business rivals and non-Quantum banks. Wikileaks will be used as the info-hitmen against President Obama’s and Rahm Emanuel’s enemies in the 2012 re-election campaign.
From Iceland, Soros will be well-positioned to gain control over the massive mineral resources under the melting ice sheet of Greenland. Under the ice are the only major rare-earth deposits outside of China and with such minerals at his disposal, Soros can control the world’s electronics industries. This past week’s volcanic activity in Iceland could, however, disrupt or destroy Soros’s plans to establish and control a North American-European gateway in Iceland.
The following are some of the emails Young revealed in his exposure of Wikileaks’s CIA connections (as well as to the Russian “phishing” Mafia, an operation run by Russian-Israeli Jews using Israel as a base)
[Note: in the second email, "JYA" is a reference to John Young Associates]:
To: John Young
From: Wikileaks
Subject: martha stuart pgp
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 12:20:25 -0500
Version: None
J. We are going to fuck them all. Chinese mostly, but not entirely a feint. Invention abounds. Lies, twists and distorts everywhere needed for protection. Hackers monitor Chinese and other intel as they burrow into their targets, when they pull, so do we.
Inxhaustible supply of material. Near 100,000 documents/emails a day. We’re going to crack the world open and let it flower into something new. If fleecing the CIA will assist us, then fleece we will. We have pullbacks from NED, CFR, Freedomhouse and other CIA teats. We have all of pre 2005 afghanistan. Almost all of india fed. Half a dozen foreign ministries. Dozens of political parties and consulates, worldbank, apec, UN sections, trade groups, tibet and fulan dafa associations and… russian phishing mafia who pull data everywhere. We’re drowing. We don’t even know a tenth of what we have or who it belongs to. We stopped storing it at 1Tb.
From: Julian Assange
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 13:40:14 +0000
To: funtimesahead[a t]
Subject: [WL] cryptome disclosure
[This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.]
No idea what JYA was saying!
It’s clear to me however, that he was not trying to protect people’s identities with his xxxxx’ing, but rather trying to increase the sexiness of the document. Perhaps he feels WL is a threat to the central status mechanism in his life? I think he just likes the controversy.
He may have done us a great favor. There’s a lot of movement in that document. It’s a little anarchist, but I think it generally reads well and sounds like people doing something they care about.
Btw, I suggest we be careful with Wayne Madsen too. He seems to be another case of someone who was fantastic a few years ago, but recently has started to see conspiracies everywhere. Both cases possibly age related.
I am not spending any more thought on it. Next week is going to be busy. The weeks earlier stories will be already done and that’ll set the agenda for the rest of the week, not jya’s attention seeker.
I’m willing to handle calls for .au, although my background may make S a better bet.
By: Wayne Madsen
giovedì 22 luglio 2010
Codex Alimentarius and the New World Order
by Terra - Codex Alimentarius has been heavily documented as one of the elites major tools of manipulation and the slow retardation of the world population.
In 1963, the United Nations created a world trade commission to control the worlds food supply. This international trade commission chose to use the Napoleonic code to create a risk assessment, or a world food code. The UN calls this code, Codex Alimentarius..
Codex Alimentarius is the thousands of standards and guidelines that the codex commissions use to regulate all of the worlds food supply, especially the worlds food trade. The corporate world has found its way into many key positions through out the UN and its programs. An example of this is the worlds biotech company Monsanto. They supply the seeds that feed the world, with UN approval approval of course.
These seeds are genetically modified with the popular pesticide, Round Up. Even though the produce of these seeds has been found to cause harmful side effects in animals and humans, the Codex and the U.N. have protected these seeds and promoted them worldwide. The UN has even been quoted as saying, “He who controls the food controls the world.”
The Codex controls all aspects of our food supply including nutrition, vitamins, and minerals. There is a Codex committee on nutrition and foods for special dietary uses.This particular committee of the Codex is chaired by a Dr. Rolf Grossklaus. Dr. Grossklaus has made statements to the fact that “nutrients are toxins”. He has also stated that “nutrition is not relevant to health”. His statements are idiotic and possibly criminal. We all know that nutrients are far from being toxins. We know we need vitamins and minerals to grow and remain healthy during our life time. You may be asking, why make these statements? The answer is simple, Dr. R. Grossklaus has made these statements to promote the U.N.s form of consumer protection and to bring about the control over an individuals use and access to vitamins and minerals.
Codex Alimentarius isnt for the protection of the worlds population, but for the increase in the economic ambitions of the multi national corporations such as pharmaceutical company, Bayer. If the public has the ability to buy high quality vitamins and minerals over the counter, pharmaceutical companies lose money by losing the ability to produces medications to fix the illness caused by the very substandard foods they promote.
By using junk science, the Codex and its promoter the UN are spreading the belief that nutritional supplements are dangerous to our health, a move that they hope will lead the world into a blind following and total compliance to Codex Alimentarius. They do this in hopes of ending all natural and nutritional medicine so big Pharma wins and basically controls the world. This is just one more step towards the New World Oder and the One world Government.
Source: theintelhub
In 1963, the United Nations created a world trade commission to control the worlds food supply. This international trade commission chose to use the Napoleonic code to create a risk assessment, or a world food code. The UN calls this code, Codex Alimentarius..
Codex Alimentarius is the thousands of standards and guidelines that the codex commissions use to regulate all of the worlds food supply, especially the worlds food trade. The corporate world has found its way into many key positions through out the UN and its programs. An example of this is the worlds biotech company Monsanto. They supply the seeds that feed the world, with UN approval approval of course.
These seeds are genetically modified with the popular pesticide, Round Up. Even though the produce of these seeds has been found to cause harmful side effects in animals and humans, the Codex and the U.N. have protected these seeds and promoted them worldwide. The UN has even been quoted as saying, “He who controls the food controls the world.”
The Codex controls all aspects of our food supply including nutrition, vitamins, and minerals. There is a Codex committee on nutrition and foods for special dietary uses.This particular committee of the Codex is chaired by a Dr. Rolf Grossklaus. Dr. Grossklaus has made statements to the fact that “nutrients are toxins”. He has also stated that “nutrition is not relevant to health”. His statements are idiotic and possibly criminal. We all know that nutrients are far from being toxins. We know we need vitamins and minerals to grow and remain healthy during our life time. You may be asking, why make these statements? The answer is simple, Dr. R. Grossklaus has made these statements to promote the U.N.s form of consumer protection and to bring about the control over an individuals use and access to vitamins and minerals.
Codex Alimentarius isnt for the protection of the worlds population, but for the increase in the economic ambitions of the multi national corporations such as pharmaceutical company, Bayer. If the public has the ability to buy high quality vitamins and minerals over the counter, pharmaceutical companies lose money by losing the ability to produces medications to fix the illness caused by the very substandard foods they promote.
By using junk science, the Codex and its promoter the UN are spreading the belief that nutritional supplements are dangerous to our health, a move that they hope will lead the world into a blind following and total compliance to Codex Alimentarius. They do this in hopes of ending all natural and nutritional medicine so big Pharma wins and basically controls the world. This is just one more step towards the New World Oder and the One world Government.
Source: theintelhub
martedì 20 luglio 2010
Oil spill - Seep found near capped BP oil well
The US government has ordered oil giant BP to offer a plan for opening the capped oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, after a seep was found threatening to leak into the bedrock.
"I direct you to provide me a written procedure for opening the choke valve as quickly as possible without damaging the well should hydrocarbon seepage near the well head be confirmed," AFP quoted US Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen as saying in a letter to BP chief managing director Bob Dudley on Sunday.
The order came after reports of a methane seep detected at a distance from the well and undetermined anomalies at the well head.
The authority also ordered BP to report on a "detected seep" and other "anomalies" near the oil well as experts monitor the seabed for cracks.
"Given the current observations from the test, including the detected seep a distance from the well and undetermined anomalies at the well head, monitoring of the seabed is of paramount importance during the test period," the official added.
Experts say this could mean more leaks are being sprung.
The Coast Guard admiral has given the energy corporate 24 hours to provide a new method without damaging the well but BP says three days are needed to start the process.
The well was capped just three days ago after it spewed millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf for almost three months.
The firm was hoping the cap could stay in place until relief wells stop the leak but there are fears now that oil may begin leaking into the bedrock around the well.
Scientists are now puzzled as to why the pressure measured at the well cap is lower than expected. They fear the worst case scenario -- oil leaking into the bedrock surrounding the well, making the seabed unstable.
The oil spill has been described as the worst environmental disaster in the US history. It began after BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20th, killing 11 workers.
"I direct you to provide me a written procedure for opening the choke valve as quickly as possible without damaging the well should hydrocarbon seepage near the well head be confirmed," AFP quoted US Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen as saying in a letter to BP chief managing director Bob Dudley on Sunday.
The order came after reports of a methane seep detected at a distance from the well and undetermined anomalies at the well head.
The authority also ordered BP to report on a "detected seep" and other "anomalies" near the oil well as experts monitor the seabed for cracks.
"Given the current observations from the test, including the detected seep a distance from the well and undetermined anomalies at the well head, monitoring of the seabed is of paramount importance during the test period," the official added.
Experts say this could mean more leaks are being sprung.
The Coast Guard admiral has given the energy corporate 24 hours to provide a new method without damaging the well but BP says three days are needed to start the process.
The well was capped just three days ago after it spewed millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf for almost three months.
The firm was hoping the cap could stay in place until relief wells stop the leak but there are fears now that oil may begin leaking into the bedrock around the well.
Scientists are now puzzled as to why the pressure measured at the well cap is lower than expected. They fear the worst case scenario -- oil leaking into the bedrock surrounding the well, making the seabed unstable.
The oil spill has been described as the worst environmental disaster in the US history. It began after BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20th, killing 11 workers.
Thad Allen Admits to "anomalies" with bp cap 20/7/10
martedì 6 luglio 2010
Israel preparing to occupy Lebanon
Israel troops are conducting military drills to get prepared for being deployed in Lebanon, in a move Tel Aviv says is aimed at preventing "rocket attacks by Hezbollah," Israeli sources say.
Israel is conducting drills at its Elyakim training base, near Haifa, to simulate attacks on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, Haaretz reported.
An Israeli colonel told Haaretz that the US military officers had advised Israel to deploy its soldiers in Lebanon during the 33-day war in 2006, hinting that Israel will do so in any offensive on Lebanon in the future.
The Elyakim base is covered with many simulated minefields and camouflaged bunkers. Israeli troops are exercising to pass those spots and find "rocket sites," the report added.
According to the plan, Israeli troops will then be transported to Golan Heights by helicopters to be trained conducting other operations.
Israel is conducting drills at its Elyakim training base, near Haifa, to simulate attacks on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, Haaretz reported.
An Israeli colonel told Haaretz that the US military officers had advised Israel to deploy its soldiers in Lebanon during the 33-day war in 2006, hinting that Israel will do so in any offensive on Lebanon in the future.
The Elyakim base is covered with many simulated minefields and camouflaged bunkers. Israeli troops are exercising to pass those spots and find "rocket sites," the report added.
According to the plan, Israeli troops will then be transported to Golan Heights by helicopters to be trained conducting other operations.
domenica 4 luglio 2010
Special Report: Should BP nuke its leaking well?
Reuters - His face wracked by age and his voice rasping after decades of chain-smoking coarse tobacco, the former long-time Russian Minister of nuclear energy and veteran Soviet physicist Viktor Mikhailov knows just how to fix BP’s oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
“A nuclear explosion over the leak,” he says nonchalantly puffing a cigarette as he sits in a conference room at the Institute of Strategic Stability, where he is a director. “I don’t know what BP is waiting for, they are wasting their time. Only about 10 kilotons of nuclear explosion capacity and the problem is solved.”
A nuclear fix to the leaking well has been touted online and in the occasional newspaper op-ed for weeks now. Washington has repeatedly dismissed the idea and BP execs say they are not considering an explosion — nuclear or otherwise. But as a series of efforts to plug the 60,000 barrels of oil a day gushing from the sea floor have failed, talk of an extreme solution refuses to die.
For some, blasting the problem seems the most logical answer in the world. Mikhailov has had a distinguished career in the nuclear field, helping to close a Soviet Union program that used nuclear explosions to seal gas leaks. Ordinarily he’s an opponent of nuclear blasts, but he says an underwater explosion in the Gulf of Mexico would not be harmful and could cost no more than $10 million. That compares with the $2.35 billion BP has paid out in cleanup and compensation costs so far. “This option is worth the money,” he says.
And it’s not just Soviet boffins. Milo Nordyke, one of the masterminds behind U.S. research into peaceful nuclear energy in the 1960s and ’70s says a nuclear explosion is a logical last-resort solution for BP and the government. Matthew Simmons, a former energy adviser to U.S. President George W. Bush and the founder of energy investment-banking firm Simmons & Company International, is another calling for the nuclear option.
Even former U.S. President Bill Clinton has voiced support for the idea of an explosion to stem the flow of oil, albeit one using conventional materials rather than nukes. “Unless we send the Navy down deep to blow up the well and cover the leak with piles and piles and piles of rock and debris, which may become necessary … unless we are going to do that, we are dependent on the technical expertise of these people from BP,” Clinton told the Fortune/Time/CNN Global Forum in South Africa on June 29.
Clinton was picking up on an idea mooted by Christopher Brownfield in June. Brownfield is a one-time nuclear submarine officer, a veteran of the Iraq war (he volunteered in 2006) and now a nuclear policy researcher at Columbia University. He is also one of a number of scientists whose theories rely not on nuclear bombs — he did toy with that thought for a while — but on conventional explosives that would implode the well and, if not completely plug it with crushed rock, at least bring the flow of oil under control. “It’s kind of like stepping on a garden hose to kink it,” Brownfield says. “You may not cut off the flow entirely but it would greatly reduce the flow.”
Using nuclear blasts for peaceful ends was a key plank of Cold War policy in both the United States and the Soviet Union. In the middle of last century, both countries were motivated by a desire to soften the image of the era’s weapon of choice.
Washington had big plans to use peaceful nuclear explosions to build an additional Panama Canal, carve a path for an inter-state highway through mountains in the Mojave Desert and connect underwater aquifers in Arizona. But the experimental plans were dropped as authorities learned more about the ecological dangers of surface explosions.
The Soviet program, known as Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy, was launched in 1958. The project saw 124 nuclear explosions for such tasks as digging canals and reservoirs, creating underground storage caverns for natural gas and toxic waste, exploiting oil and gas deposits and sealing gas leaks. It was finally mothballed by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989.
The Soviets first used a nuclear blast to seal a gas leak in 1966. Urtabulak, one of its prized gas-fields in Uzbekistan, had caught fire and raged for three years. Desperate to save the cherished reserves, Yefim Slavsky, then Minister of Light Industry, ordered nuclear engineers to use the most powerful weapon in their arsenal. Read more…
sabato 3 luglio 2010
Corexit - CNN Reports: Dispersants flow into Gulf in ‘science experiment’
When the May 26 directive was issued, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said dispersant use should be cut by 75 percent.
Public statements at the time made by the EPA administrator gave the impression that federal officials were trying to cut down overall dispersant use.
“We expect to see a substantial reduction in the overall amount of dispersant used,” Jackson said in May.
Before May 26, BP used 25,689 gallons a day of the chemical dispersant Corexit. Since then, CNN’s analysis shows, the daily average of dispersant use has dropped to 23,250 gallons a day, a 9 percent decline.
Gulf Coast environmentalists say it’s another sign that the federal agencies monitoring dispersant use are not being tough enough with BP.
“I think the EPA has been struggling to respond to this crisis,” said Aaron Viles with the Gulf Restoration Network. “It’s all really a giant science experiment and we’re terribly concerned that in the long run the impacts are going to be significant and we really don’t know what we’re doing to the ecosystem.”
But the EPA argues it deserves credit for getting alarming dispersant use under control. The directive states that BP must ramp down dispersant use by “75 percent from the maximum daily amount used.”
And that’s the catch. The highest recorded amount of dispersant used occurred on May 23, when 70,000 gallons were injected into the Gulf of Mexico. EPA officials say they feared that number would have become the norm and that’s why, they say, the directive was issued.
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